The panic settles down. [19 part 2]

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3:12. Luz took a shower, got her medicine, slipped in to some nice clothing, ate two (2) muffins, drank some soy milk, and brushed her teeth again. "Now go to sleep.." Amity begged quietly.

Luz nodded slowly, rubbing her tired eyes, getting under the covers, fixing her pillow a bit, letting out a sigh. Amity turned off her light, layed down beside her, also getting under the covers. "If you can't go back to sleep, wake me up again and we'll stay up together. Okay?"


"Do you want me to do anything that could maybe help you go to sleep?"

Luz shrugged, Amity pulling Luz over a bit; "In the limo I heard you purr when I did this..Did you like it?"

The witch didn't speak, only purred. She hugged the human, her purrs growing, Amity rubbing her back gently. "Night.."

"Night Amity.."


When the human woke up at around seven (7) in the morning, Luz wasn't there. She sat up, quickly rubbing her eyes, looking around the room. Luz was awake, on her stomach, in the corner of the bed, on her phone. She was changing a contact name, or rather, a heart.

Amity's name. No longer a yellow heart, but a blue one. Luz's left ear perked up, the witch looking back at Amity. "Luz you have eye bags..Go back to sleep.."

The witch sat up, turning off her phone, crawling back in to bed with Amity. "You stopped hugging me about an hour ago so I got up.."

"Sorry..But you have to go back to sleep.."

Luz got under the covers, sighing shakily, her ears relaxing. The human pulled the covers off herself, so close to getting out of bed, but was stopped. "Stay..Please.." Luz mumbled, gently squeezing Amity's wrist.

"I have school to get to Noceda, let go."

The witch teared up a bit; "A-Amity please stay-"

"Luz I can't, let me go."

The witch sat up, grabbing her hand, trying to pull her down. "Amity- Please- St-Stay with me- Ju-Just until I fall asleep again-"

"Luz I'm going to be late if you don't let me go!"

The witch quickly let go, pulling her hands back. "I'm sorry..I'm so sorry.. Please don't hate me..Y-You can go..I didn't mean to force you..I need to get home anyways.." Luz mumbled, pushing the covers off herself.

She got out of bed, heading to the bathroom, turning on the light, leaving the door open. She took the toothbrush she used last night, turning on the faucet just a bit, wetting the brush. She took the toothpaste back out, spreading some on top, and putting the toothbrush in her mouth.

Amity got her clothing, quickly changing in her room while Luz got ready in the bathroom. The witch got out as Amity fixed her shirt a bit, the Blight going in the bathroom to brush her teeth as well. Luz gathered her things, putting her phone in her pocket, making the bed, then leaving Amity's room.

She went down the hall, making her way home after jumping over the fence. Amity finished, just having brushed her hair, putting it up in an odd ponytail, leaving the bathroom. "Okay Luz, we'll take you home so you can-"

She noticed her door was open, the bed was made, and Luz was no where near. Amity grabbed her phone, unlocking it, going to contacts, and looking for Luz's name. 'Crap what was her number again? She texted me- Right right, come on..'

Amity went to messages, nothing was there. 'DANGIT I CLEAR EVERYTHING OUT DAILY-'

The human lightly hit her head with her phone, cursing herself out. 'It's fine it's fine. I'll see her at school anyways..'


Second period, Amity temporarily left her cheer class, going down the hall to the Dance class, knocking on the door. The dance teacher opened it, a bit surprised; "Oh great, do you know where Luz is?" The teacher asked.

"Wha- She's not here?" Amity mumbled.

"No she isn't, she isn't answering her phone etheir. Gus just went to the office to ask to call her mother, he'll be back in a bit. Do you know if anything happened?"

Amity half nodded. "Sorta. She stayed over at my place last night but she hasn't been sleeping and she kept throwing up, she must be at home resting." Amity reasoned.

The teacher hummed, nodding slowly. "Guess we'll find out."


. . .

Willow and Gus insisted they go with Amity to Luz's house, the Blight being a bit hesitant to agree, but eventually caved in. They got out of the car, walking to Luz's front door, Amity knocking on the door. A few footsteps came to the door, the door being unlocked and opened. "Luz, are you okay?" Willow asked.

The witch groaned quietly, staggering out the door, into Amity's arms, the human keeping her up. Luz clenched on to the humans shirt, trying to assist herself in staying up; "No, I got you, it's okay.."

Luz whimpered, Gus patting her back, Willow feeling her forehead for any signs of fevers. "She's not hot, she's rather cold actually.."

"Should..Should I take her inside?-"

"What do you think? Are all Blights secretly this dumb?" Willow hissed.

Luz hissed at her, holding on to Amity tightly. "Stop..Stop being rude to her.. She's not..Huff..Used to this.."

The witch let out a small whine, nuzzling in to Amity's chest, the human supporting her. "Luz don't force yourself, can I pick you up?"


Amity scooped her up, Gus going in the house, Willow following, Amity going after them, the human with glasses closing and locking the door behind Amity. Loud yelps filled the room by Gus, the human moving the chair that prevented it from opening, pressing the button on it, opening the door. Prince slipped out, getting on his hind legs, sniffing Luz out.

Nero came out too, climbing up Amity's leg and up to Luz, sniffing her out as well. Amity went upstairs carefully, Gus opening the door for her, the Blight going to Luz's bed, placing the witch down gently on it. Prince hopped on the bed, sniffing her out further. Nothing smelled off, she was just tired. "Let me check on Camilla." Amity stated.

She went to the room down the hall, knocking on the door, receiving a come in, the Blight opening the door. She peeked in, Camilla drinking some tea, looking tired as well. "Is Luz okay?" Camilla asked, putting her tea down, rubbing her eyes.

"Not really, why aren't you doing anything?"

"I called her aunt, it's normal. This is their version of periods, it doesn't happen often. They get memories from the past, etheir bad or good. Luz is just starting, this'll only last til tonight. Side affects apparently include throwing up, being unable to sleep, keep food down, or comprehend with others."

Amity sighed, both in relief and nervousness. "So she'll be fine?"

"Mhm. Just try to get her to sleep, if you make or bring food, make sure it's bland." Camilla said, laying back down. "Do keep quiet."

Amity nodded, leaving the room, closing the door, sighing in relief once more.

To be continued.

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