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It was 6:30 AM and I was starting to get ready for school. Break seemed to go by so fast it was hard to believe that it was over. I put on my uniform and shoes, gathering all my things into my backpack. I went to the bathroom and did my hair in a tight pony tail, smoothing down my clothes as I looked in the mirror. I went back to my room to grab my things, looking outside. Of course it was raining. I usually walk to school and I know Tendou does too, it was then that I got a text from him. 

Tendou: Y/n is your mom home? i was hoping you could give us a ride to school, i would drive us but my parents have the car.

I looked out my window and saw my moms car, popping my head out of my door way I called "Mom can I drive to school today? Its raining really heavy." it took a minute before she answered back. "Yeah that's fine, have a good day I love you!" my mom called from her room. I start typing out my response when I get a call from Tendou.

"I can take us." I say before he gets a word in. "Ok, thank you I'm just kinda in a rush right now." he says, I can here things falling in the background. I call out to my mom that I'm leaving one last time before walking out the door and into the car. "Okay, I'm on my way over." I start the car. "Thank you so much Y/n, I promise I'll make it up to you." he tells me sincerely. I laugh, "You, Tendou Satori, you're gonna be the death of me." the call ends. 

I turned up Tendou's street and I saw him standing outside waiting for me. he waved at me and I waved back, smiling. I didn't even notice when I passed by a stop sign and failed to see a truck coming straight for me. The smell of burnt rubber, the squeal of tires trying to stop on the slick road, failing to get traction, the sound of glass shattering. Those sounds will haunt me for the rest of my life, I guess on the bright side I wouldn't be stuck with them for long.


I felt like I had 100 pound weights laying on my chest. I tried to breath, to take in a deep breath but I only started coughing, blood ran down my chin and all I wanted to do was breath. God please let me breath. I couldn't feel my legs either, but its what I could feel that made me wish I had died when the car crashed. Everything ached, felt like someone was driving hundreds of knives into my body all at once, I was shaking and still trying to fucking breath. The air smelled like blood and rain, with a earthiness to it. The same earthiness that it had the day I met Tendou. Tendou.

It was so cold. I was wet and the feeling of cold rain dropping onto the side of my face stung my cheeks. I could feel something warm running down my face though, I touched it with my hand and looked at my fingers, it was blood. I could hear fast footsteps slamming against the wet ground. "Y/N... Y/N" it was Tendou, I wish I had the strength to hold my head up, to keep my eyes open, so that the last thing I would ever see was Tendou instead of the steering wheel of my moms now fucked up car.

I tried to keep my eyes open I swear but it felt as though they were being pulled down by the weight of the entire world. I finally gave up fighting to keep them open, letting them close. I really didn't think that was the last time I would open my eyes. I could hear Tendou screaming for me, begging for me to open my eyes and look at him, what I would've given if it meant I could do just that.

I didn't think today would be the last day I woke up in the morning, or that last night would be the last time I went to sleep. I didn't think that it would be the last day I left my house or the last time I told my mom I loved her. I didn't think that any of the last things I did would be my last, but who does? I didn't want to die, I wanted to go home and hug my mom so tight and tell her I loved her a million times over. I wanted to tell her that I was so sorry for every single time I didn't listen, that I was sorry for our fighting. I didn't even tell her that I loved her when I left the house, I relied too much on the concept of tomorrows that I forgot that they are only assumed not assured. 

I wanted to get out of the car and fall into Tendou's arms, for him to tell me that everything was going to be okay just like he did when me and my mom where fighting. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me. How much I looked forward to every single day because of him. I wanted to be wrapped in him arms, just one last time, as he told me that he loved me. I loved him too, more than I had ever loved anyone like that before. I wanted to tell him how every time I took  his hand in mine, I could feel our entire lives vibrating together.

Tendou managed to pry open the car door and pull me out, falling to the ground with me in his arms. He moved my wet hair out of my face and held my face with his free hand, the other holding me close to his body. He was sobbing, barely speaking through his chocking cries. "Y/n please, please don't leave me. I need you here with me, I need you. This isn't how you die, this isn't how our story ends, this cant be how our story ends. I'm not finished loving you yet."  he wrapped me up in his arms and held me so tight, crying and smoothing down my soaked hair. He kissed my forehead and shook me a few times. I wanted to stay, I really did, but as I took my last shallow breath and felt my body shut down, felt the mind numbing pain slowly fade away, I knew I couldn't. 

Tendou cried out, his voice straining and cracking. He shook me harder this time, trying to wake my now lifeless body back up. He knew I was gone, but how was he supposed to let the love of his life go? This wasn't supposed to happen, how did this happen? How the hell did this happen? 

Police and ambulances surrounded Tendou, the driver having called them. Someone tried to convince Tendou to let me go, he cried out in protest, refusing to let me go. As if me leaving his arms really meant that I was gone. A police officer grabbed Tendou's arms and held him back as another pulled me out of his lap. He tried to fight them and reached out for me before collapsing to the ground in pure agony. His body shook as he laid on the wet road sobbing.

I really didn't think I was gonna die, so why was I being pronounced dead and people are being sent to my house to tell my mom that her little girl, her baby, is gone?

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now