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Tendou's POV

I watched her walk into the roller rink, completely encaptivated by her. Everything about her made me want to sweep her off her feet and take her anywhere she wanted, give her anything she requested. But it was too soon to tell her this. We had only met a few weeks ago and if I told her how I felt now, I'm afraid she would push me away like so many others did.

When I was younger it was hard for me to make friends, everyone was always calling me a monster. I'm doing way better now but the idea of being alone like that again scares me, being without her scares me. We had already grown really close through the past few weeks. "Come on, Tendou!" the way she says my name makes me love her even more. "I'm coming, I'm coming." I say, laughing at her eagerness. 

We get our shoes and sit down to put them on, she looks out towards where the few people are skating. "You're gonna be fine Y/n, besides I'll be here to catch you if you fall." A blush spreads across her face before she quickly looks down at her skates, pretending to retie them. I smile, everything she does is so cute.

I've never skated before either, but I wasn't going to tell her this now, I'm too far in. We stand up and instantly I start wobbling trying to catch my balance, even though the four wheels give me more than enough. "Do not tell me you haven't skated before!" she says in disbelief, smiling. "Now wait a minute, I never said I skated before, but then again I never said I never not  skated before.." She laughs at me and I take her hand. Together, we manage to somewhat skate to the actual rink without one of us falling. 


I blush as Tendou takes my hand, I wasn't expecting it at all but in the moment, it felt as though our hands where made for each other's, the way our hands fell together so naturally. Once I got to the rink I grabbed on of the walker things meant for children with a animal design on it. Usually I would be embarrassed but being with Tendou made me feel like I could do anything, I was as light as air. 

I started slowly but surely making my way across the length of the rink. I look back and see Tendou flailing his arms about trying to regain any bit of balance he can. "Just grab a walker!" I call to him. "No, no I got it. I can figure this out-!" Just as he said that he fell to the ground. I  turn around and head back over to him trying to suppress a laugh. "Are you okay?" I say, managing to hold it in.

Tendou busts out laughing, "Help me- help me up!"  Laughing now I grab his hand trying to pull him back up, but with one pull my feet slide out from under me and I come crashing to the ground as well. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Tendou asked laughing.  Both of us are on the ground laughing hysterically. I lay on my back, arms across my stomach trying to calm myself down, Tendou is sitting with his face in his hands. After a few more minutes of laughing we finally compose ourselves and manage to get back to our feet. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tendou says with tears in his eyes. "I'm fine I swear!" I say. "Okay okay, lets try this again, but this time without the walker." Tendou declares as he pushed it out of my reach. "I can't skate with out it!" then he suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me a bit. "Come on, lets go!" I go after him as best I can, could this day get any better?

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now