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You walked into the house, your face still on fire from what Tendou said to you. Your mom is sitting on the couch and glances up at you "Hey Y/n how was your-" after only catching a glimpse of your red face she immediately assumes you're crying. "What's wrong, what did he do to you? Do I have do go find him cause I-" you cut her off. "Mom! I'm fine. In fact, we had a great time today.

Your mom steps back pulling your hands guiding you to the couch. "Tell me everything." she said excitedly. "Okay so..." you tell her all about your day. Tendou buying your coffee, the roller rink, you and Tendou falling down and laughing hysterically, and finally lunch. "That sounds wonderful!" your mom says cheerfully. "Do you like this boy? Does he like you?" she questioned.

"I really do like him, but I feel like its way too soon to go and tell him that I like him. I don't want to mess anything up." your mom nods understandingly. "I'm glad you had such a good day. I know you just ate but are you hungry? I could make you something. "No I'm fine, I'll grab something later. You walked off to your room to put on some more comfortable clothes and as you were walking out your mom got a call.

You stand silently in the hallway already knowing that it's the hospital. "Yeah...okay...of course... I'll be right there." and with that your mom hangs up her phone and heads to get her bag with her scrubs in it. "Work?" you question, already knowing the answer. "Yeah, I'm so sorry kiddo, I was really looking forward to spending some time with you tonight." "It's okay, you better get going now" you say with a soft smile. "I love you." your mom kisses you on the cheek as she walks out the door. "I love you too."

You turn on the T.V and go on your phone when you remember that Tendou told you to text him. 

 Y/N: Hey, what's up?

Tendou: nothing much, just got home

 Y/N: I got home, changed my clothes, and already my mom has to go back to work. :(

Tendou: im sorry, can i call you

  Y/N: Yeah.

Tendou calls you instantly. "You okay?" he asks before you get the chances to say hi. "Yeah, just disappointed that I didn't get the chance to be with my mom tonight before she had to go to work again. "I'm sorry, its my fault I shouldn't have kept you away for so long. I know how unpredictable your mom's schedule is and I should have let you stay home with her." he sounds dejected, like he really means it. 

"No no no, it's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault really. But lets talk about something else. What are you doing?" I ask him. "When I got home I found a note from my parents saying they were going out and would be back later tonight." You smile, just hearing his voice makes you feel better. "I hope they have fun with whatever they're doing," you chime, "I might draw something. I'm not really sure yet." 

"You draw? I need to see some of your drawings now!" he says excitedly. I didn't think he would be this excited about my drawings. "Okay, okay. I'll send you some pictures now." I send him a few pictures you've taken of your drawing and send them to him, including: a picture of a beach, a forest, and the picture I drew of the park, with him in it. 

"These are really good! Wait... is that me?" he says. "No what are you talking about? I think you must have hit your head when you fell today." I chuckle nervously. "IT IS ME!" he shouts. He sends a screenshot of the boy with red hair in your drawing to you. "Okay so maybe I used you as a REFERENCE," I emphasize reference, "in that drawing." I say matter of factly.  

"I, Tendou Satori, am in on of the famous (F/n) (L/n) drawings!" I try to convince Tendou that it was not, in fact him, but we both knew I was lying at that point. "Fine, fine. It's you." I smile, defeated. He starts talking about how if I have time I have time I should draw a real picture of him. I tell Tendou that I'll see what I can do, already knowing that I'm gonna start on it as soon as I can. 

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now