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"Thank you so much for today." I tell Tendou as we get back to my house. We're standing outside of the door, saying our goodbyes. "It was no problem Y/n, I love being with you." He says back with a smile. I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love being with you too." I say when we separate. As I walk inside I check my phone, my mom texted me telling me she'll be home in a few hours. 


It's only 2 weeks until school starts again and ever since that fight I had with my mom we've been distant. I've tried apologizing to her and doing whatever I can to make up for what I said but nothing seems to be working. I miss being able to tell my mom everything I've been doing, I miss it all.

Tendou and I hang out every weekend or so, we've gotten really close over break. He's always complimenting me and suggesting fun things for us to do. I look foreword to seeing him every single day and can't wait to see where we go from here.


When I wake up the first thing I notice is the smell of food cooking. My mom has the whole day off and I'm both nervous and excited for it. I want to show her how sorry I am for what I said, but I'm not sure how yet. I walk into the living room, smiling and saying good morning to my mom. She smiles back at me softly, looking sad.

"So what are our plans for today? We could go shopping or get lunch later? Maybe go catch a movie?" I ask her, really hoping she says yes to anything at all. "I don't feel like going out today Y/n, maybe another time." I look down dejectedly. I just want things to be like they used to be.

My phone vibrates, I check it and see a text from Tendou.

Tendou: good morning Y/n! i hope you have a great day today

Me: Good morning! I'm looking foreword to out date this weekend, we're still going yeah?

Tendou: of course we are. 

I smile down at my phone. "Who are you talking to?" my mom asks me. "Tendou," I tell her calmly, eager to be talking to her again. "How's it going between you two?"   "It's going really good! I love spending time with him, we actually have plans this weekend. It's our last big date before we go back to school." I reply.

My mom is quiet for a second, "Do you love him?" she asks me softly. I hesitate for a second, "Yeah, I do." I say confidently after a second. She just nods her head, handing me a plate of food. I smile, maybe today will be a good day.

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now