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Me and Tendou spent the next few hours skating around and towards the end we both had gotten pretty good. "We totally have to come back and do this again!" I cheered as we walked out of the building. "You want to hang out with me again?" Tendou asked. "Why wouldn't I!? I just had the best day ever, and you! You're so funny and sweet, I love hanging out with you!" Tendou smiled his signature smile that me made smile too.

I look at the time as we continued walking, it was around 2:30. "We've been gone for a bit." I remarked. I know that three and a half hours isn't that long to be gone but it felt like we had only just left my house. "I hope I haven't kept you too long." Tendou smiled. "Oh no it's fine! Do you still have time we could go to a late lunch, my treat! After all that skating I could use a good meal. 

Tendou and I started walking towards our local diner, just talking. He told me about his childhood and I told him about mine. We were laughing as we walked in, and a middle age waitress smiled at us. "Where would you two lovebirds like to sit tonight, a table or booth?" I was about to correct her on our relationship status when Tendou quickly replied, "Booth please."

As we sat down and started looking at the menu, Tendou asked me what my favorite food was. "I think I have to go with... (favorite food)! What about you?" "Well I guess technically chocolate ice-cream isn't "food" but its still gonna be my answer." Tendou replied with a smile. I let out a slight giggle, that answer was too precious. 

Our waitress came back and too our orders and told us our food will be out shortly, luckily there weren't too many people in the diner. "So,  how would you rate today on a scale of 1-10. One being the lowest and 10 being the highest." Tendou quizzed me. "Hmm, I'm gonna say 9.5 out of 10, only because you pulled me to the ground with you in the skating rink!" we both laughed. "Oh come on, Beautiful! We both know you had a great time, you still love me don't you?" Tendou mocked and made a kissy face. 

A slight blush spread across my cheeks and before I could retort, our waitress came back with our food. We said our thanks and started eating. "This (favorite food) is delicious!" I exclaimed. "How's yours?" I asked. "Mine's just as good!" We sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying our food and soaking up the memories of today. 

"Are you sure I can't pay? Let me." Tendou said, almost getting to the check before me. "No! You already bought me coffee and paid for the roller rink, this is the least I can do!" I gave the waitress my card. "Yeah, but I wanted to do that-!" "And I want to do this!" He slightly blushed. We made our way out of the diner and started back towards my house.

Once we got to my doorstep I turned to look at Tendou. "Thank you again so much for today. It was so fun, it couldn't have been better. Oh! And if you ever want me to pay your back for the coffee and roller rink just ask and I will." "No need! I wanted to do that for you." He gave a smirk before hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. "Text me later! And I look forward to hanging out with you again!" I was blushing really hard. "Bye!" I called after him. "Bye!" I turned and made my way into my house. Today was a perfect day.

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now