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The movie was great, Tendou and I had a great time even though we both almost fell alseep multiple times. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive? You drove us all the way out here and I know you're tired." I told him as we got ready to leave. "I'm sure, besides, I know you're tired too." he told me as he pulled out of the parking space and started driving. 

As we drove back and listened to music quietly, I started to fall asleep again. I felt Tendou take my hand and hold it softly. The car moved smoothly along the road as we went. It took all but 10 minutes of driving before I was sleep, and I didn't wake up until we got home. 

"Y/n..Y/n," Tendou shook me softly once we got back to my house. I opened my eyes and looked at him, kissing him before getting out of the car. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here? My mom isn't home and I know you must be tired." I told him. "I'm sure, I'll text you in the morning, I love you." he told me as he drove off. I watched the car for as long as I could before going inside, immediately falling into my bed and going back to sleep. 


I woke up at 10, which for me was pretty late. I checked my phone and didn't have any new notifications. I decided to text Tendou first, I knew he was really tired last night. 

Me: Good morning! I hope you got home safe, I love you.

I sent the text and layed back down in the bed for a few more minutes, mostly just scrolling through my phone. 

I walked into the kitchen after a few minutes of laying in bed turned into an hour to finally make some food. I took out some eggs and whatever else was in the fridge and started cooking. I was zoning out, thinking about last night when a text scared me out of my daze. It was from Tendou, 

Tendou: good morning Y/n, sorry i didn't text you sooner i just got up. i did get home safe, i love you too 

I smiled down at my phone and typed back a quick reply, taking my food off the stove and turning the T.V on. I had no plans today and wasn't sure when my mom was coming home next. I think things are getting better between us though, we've been talking more and she hasn't been as mad as she was before.

I got another text from Tendou, this time he said he found a song that reminded him of me. I listened to the song and replied back to him. He was always doing something like this and I loved it. I knew how much he cared about me and I cared about him too. I remembered that volleyball would be starting again soon and I couldn't wait to go to his games and practices. I could tell this was going to be the best year of school yet.

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now