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Tendou POV

When I first got to her house I was already panicking. She hadn't answered me and she always answered me right back, I just had this feeling that something was wrong. When I got to the door I was ready to just go into the house and find her myself, and was about to yell her name when she opened the door. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy, I could tell she had been crying, I was no stranger to that face.

I hesitated for a second, should I give her space or hold her? I wanted to hold her and tell her everything was gonna be okay. I wanted to give her the stars and the moon just to show her that. I was holding her in my arms, laying in Y/n's bed. She was breathing softly and had fallen asleep quickly, all I could think about was how much I love her. I combed through her hair with my fingers gently, slowly falling asleep myself. 


It was a dreamless sleep, kinda like when you asleep on FaceTime with your friends not remembering when you fell asleep and you were now suddenly awake. As soon as I woke up I remembered Tendou was in my bed. He was holding me closely, almost protectively. I reached my hand up to run my fingers through his hair and cupped his face with one of my hands, kissing his cheek softly. As I pulled away a small smile formed on his face. "Awake already?" he asked me sleepily, his eyes still closed. "Yeah," I pause wondering what time it is. I pulled my phone out of my back pocked, still where I left it. I was 12:30 in the morning. "Its past midnight." I tell him.

He hummed in response clearly trying to go back to sleep. "Don't you have to go home?" I ask him, wondering what his parents are doing. "No, its fine. My parents won't be home till tomorrow night anyway. Unless you want me to leave?" He opened his eyes now. "No I want you to stay." I kiss him again. I was about to try and go back to sleep when I remembered how hungry I was. "But before we go back to sleep can we get something to eat?" 

The living room was cold compared to my bed and Tendou's arms. As I looked through my fridge and pantry I cursed myself for not remembering to get more foods that were easy to make. I pulled some spaghetti pasta and sauce from the pantry, grabbing a large pot from under the sink yawning.

"Let me make it for you." Tendou said from behind me, getting up from the table. I don't protest, giving him a short kiss before sitting down. "Do you want some, your more than welcome." I ask him. "No thanks, I'm not big on eating but I do love to cook." He smiles towards me. After a bit Tendou sets a plate of food down in front of me. "Thank you so much," I say before taking a bite. "This is delicious!" I say widening my eyes a bit. No matter how simple something is I can never seem to get it to taste this good.

Tendou and I sit and talk for a bit before going back to my room, getting back into the same position we were in before. He starts humming that unfamiliarly song again as I slowly fall back to sleep, the combination of Tendou's heart beat and warm embrace comforting me. 

Yours Truly, T.S.Where stories live. Discover now