"To Valencia?"

He nodded, "Yes, why not?"

I smiled and just as I was about to answer him, his phone started to ring. He lifted it off the counter to check it, "It's Reyna,"

Reyna? Now I was confused. He brought it to his ear, "Hola? Si, yes she's here with me. Okay, hold on let me give her the phone,"

I extended my hand out and he passed the phone over to me

"Hi Rey,"

"Isabella, why haven't you been answering your phone?" there was a hint of franticness to her voice on the other side and I was confused by it

"I'm sorry. I was in the kitchen and then I didn'-"

She interrupted me, "Okay it doesn't matter but you need to get a hold of your sister right now,"

"Camila? Why? What's going on?" the concern in my voice was evident and Giovanni began to mirror my previous confusion

She was silent for a moment and it was driving me crazy

"Reyna, what is going on here? You are starting to freak me out,"

"Nate's engaged," she blurted out

I froze

"Wait, what?" I managed to choke

"I'm sorry Izzy but your family found out and they've been trying to get a hold of you but then you didn't answer so they called me and..." she rambled on but I didn't hear a word she said

Nate's engaged?  Nate? As in my former ex-boyfriend who broke up with me because he didn't want to settle down? The same man who didn't want to make a serious commitment like getting married was now engaged to someone else?

And my family knows. Oh fuck. My entire cover story was immediately tossed out the window and they knew it. They knew I had been lying to them. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Reyna, I need to go," I said, interrupting whatever she was saying at that moment

"Okay," she murmured softly, "Please let me know what happens,"

We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I was trying to wrap my head around what just happened but I didn't even know where to start. How could Nate be engaged? And to who?

"Isabella, what happened?" Giovanni asked, bringing me out of my own thoughts

I looked up at him and there was concern spread across his face.

"Nate's engaged,"

"Nate?" he was confused, "Wait, as in your ex-boyfriend Nate?"

I nodded

"The one who broke up with you because he didn't want to settle down?"

"That's the one," I murmured, laughing at how ridiculous that statement was now, "The very same Nate who my family thinks I was still with this whole time,"

"Oh fuck," Giovanni breathed,

"Yeah, oh fuck," I repeated

"Well maybe it's a good thing," Giovanni suggested, "They were bound to find out sometime,"

I didn't reply. He was right but it just fast-tracked a situation I didn't want to have to deal with. I jumped off the counter and went back to his bedroom to get my cell phone. As if right on cue, it started ringing again and my sister's name lit up the screen. I took a deep breath in and stared at her name. I did not feel like having to explain myself right now but I also couldn't avoid them forever. I gave in and answered

More Than Once | THE WATTPAD DRAFTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang