Chapter 20 : Lord Elrond Is Here

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Start of recap...

Legolas smiled a tiny bit "Aye, that sounds like something our Elfling would do" he said.

He pauses for a moment wondering if he should tell her he is leaving.

"Tauriel" he starts, at her Name Tauriel turn reluctantly away from the sleeping Elfling.

"yes my Prince" she said, legolas opened his mouth to speak "I-I'm leaving for a while, I may not come back for a years so look after her for me while I'm gone" he said Hesitatantly.

Tauriel nodded and smiled with tears in her eyes, she stood up and surprised her Prince by hugging him
She wrapped her arms around his neck nsd shoulders.

Legolas hugged her back wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. After a moment they pulled away and legolas left

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Bilbo is sitting by himself and staring off into the distance; Gandalf comes to join him. They sit there, quietly, thinking.

Gandalf begins cleaning out his pipe quite noisily, and Bilbo looks like he’s about to object. After a moment’s pause, they nod at each other.

The members of Thorin’s company kneel beside the body of their kin who had died, paying them homage. Bilbo and Gandalf, sitting, watch.

In Dale, Percy blows on a huge horn, and all the townspeople, who are gathered along the walls, stare out reverently at Erebor.

Their Elfling had been sleeping since the battle ended, she hasn't woken up for two daysb, Gandalf said she had put herself in a sort or Healing sleep.

So bilbo had nothing to worry about but he did, he was worried that the Elfling wouldn't wake up.

But Gandalf is (usually) always right so bilbo Listened to the wizard.

Suddenly, Elvish horns were heard The both Hobbit and wizard look up and they see a group of armed horsemen approaching

Gandalf looked up and relaxed once he saw it was Lord Elrond and his Guard.

With Elrond was Lindir, Arwen and his Sons Elladan and Elrohir and few Rivendell guards.

Eventually, they stop, and one elf, Elrond, separates himself from the others.

Gandalf walks over to Elrond and they hug, Elrond looks at bilbo and nodds at the Hobbit who smiles at him.

"Gandalf I got your letter" said Elrond looking at Gandalf, gandalf grimaces he sent Elrond a letter about Calen a few days ago.

Of course It didn't take long for the lord of Imladris to get word and get to Erebor so soon.

"yes I see you have my Friend" said Gandalf puffing on his pipe looking a bit embarrassed.

"How is she then" asked Elrond as his eyes were looking into Gandalfs soul

"we are still waiting for her to wake my lord she has put herself into a healing sleep" said the Wizard.

Elrond looked at Erebor and then back to Gandalf he nodded his head to the wizard and Hobbit before getting back on his horse and riding to Erebor.

Time skip...

Once they got to the gates Elrond practically ordered to be shown to the Elflings room where eshe was staying.

Balin showed him the way and left once he showed the Elf lord to Calens room.

Elrond opened the door and walked on with his children, he calmed down once he saw his Elfling was okay.

But was worried about the scar over her left eye, he slowly walked over to the Elfling and sat down on her bed.

He looked at her as if searching for any cuts or bruises on her skin, she definitely had gotten taller and her hair.

It was matted with dirt and blood but still beautiful, she was still a bituddy from the battle but on the bed she looked peaceful.

He was surprised when two ocean blue eyes opened and stared into his as a word he had been wanting to be spoken by the child was spoken by her

"Ada" she croaked her throat dry she coughed and Elrond gave her a glass of water.

Elrond was beyond happy he grinned at the Elfling and hugged her tightly to him. (of course after she put her glass back down"

"Salen littler Akhrua ( my little Warrior)" whispered Elrond as he held her face in his hands.

"what happened" she asked

"you passed out after healing Oakenshield and then you put yourself in a healing sleep, little one" said Arwen from the end of the bed.

Calen grinned wide as she saw Arwen, grinning she held her arms out to her and Arwen gladly picked her up and into her arms.

Both girls began crying happy tears as they were reunited at last. As they stopped Calrn turned to Elrond head bowed and twiddling her thumbs.

"I'm sorry I ran away Ada, i had to help the Dwarves" she said still not looking at him.

Elrond smiled, "it's okay Ni Fae (little one)" he said, Calen looked up and smiled at him.

The elfs all talked for hours, Elladan had gone off to Gandalf, bilbo and all the Dwarves that their Elfling had woke up.

Everyone beyond happy, Calen was also introduced to Elladan and Elrohir her new brothers.

They got along brilliantly, when she was strong enough she eventually got to hug Lindir who happily returned her hug.

They stayed in Erebor for a week until leaving for Imladris, she promised Bilbo she would visit him a much as possible and she did.

70 years later....

The end

Okay its official the hobbit movies have been written now for the lord of the rings.

Calen now has a new life, new family and friends she is very happy as an Elfling.

Word count : 950

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