Chapter 2 : The Desolation Of Smaug!

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Hi welcome to chapter 2!

Start of recap...

Bain looks down disconsolately, then suddenly looks up and notices the state of the Master of Laketown, and below it, the boat in which he’d hidden the Black Arrow his father had asked him to keep safe.

Bain’s face turns to a determined look. As their boat passes under a hanging hook, Bain leaps up and grabs it, swinging clear of the boat.

The other grab at him and miss, and they yell after him.

[Bofur:] “What are you doing?!”

[Fili:] “Come back! Bain, come back!”

Bain uses the hook and the crane it is attached to to swing to the dock, from where he runs toward the boat with the Black Arrow.

[Tauriel:] “Leave him! We cannot go back!”

[Tilda:] “Bain!”

Calen pulls Tilda back and shields her.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

It is early morning. On the banks of the lake are refugees and wreckage from Laketown. People are screaming and crying, and some of the wooden things are on fire.

There are dead bodies washed up on the shore. Alfrid comes crawling up out of the water, screaming.

[Alfrid:] “Will somebody help me? HELP!”

He clambers over a dead body, only to realize that the person is still alive.

Alfrid rolls over him into the water, screaming.

[Alfrid:] “HELP!”

Meanwhile, some of the survivors begin helping each other and salvaging whatever supplies they can.

Tauriel, Calen,Sigrid, and Tilda walk about, looking for Bard.

[Sigrid:] “DA!”

[Tilda:] “DA!”

[Sigrid:] “DA!”

[Calen] "Bard!"

Alfrid screams up into the sky.

[Alfrid:] “WHY ME?”

There is still screaming and crying all about, as people pull the bodies of their loved ones out of the water and onto the shore. The dwarves, Oin, Bofur, and Fili, grab a boat and begin to push it out into the water. Kili approaches Tauriel.

[Kili:] “Tauriel.”

[Fili:] “Kili, come on! We’re leaving.”

[Tauriel:] “They are your people - You must go.”

Tauriel looks at Kili both sadly and guardedly, then walks past him. Kili looks distraught for a second, then whirls around to face her again.

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