Chapter 17 : Bringing Kili Back From The Dead Almost

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Start of recap...

Azog and Thorin continue fighting. Thorin manages to knock Azog down, and Azog slides down a slippery slope; before Thorin can chase after him, other orcs arrive and he is forced to fight them.

In the courtyard, Bilbo throws rocks at orcs as Dwalin fights. Kili continue fighting his way up the ruins.

Tauriel, looking for him, encounters and kills several orcs. Meanwhile, the werebat is still carrying Legolas in the air.

As Bilbo continues throwing rocks, Bolg suddenly runs out and smacks Bilbo in the head with the handle of his mace, knocking him out cold.

As the werebat carries Legolas over a stone tower, he shoots it through the neck, killing it and forcing it to release him; he drops gracefully on top of the tower.

Azog, recovered suddenly charges at Thorin and knocks him onto the surface of the frozen river.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

[Azog:] “_ _ _” [Go in for the kill!]

Azog yells to his orcs, many of which run out on to the ice to attack Thorin.

[Azog:] “_ _ _” [Finish him!]

Thorin looks around rapidly as many orcs run toward him; suddenly, the orcs begin falling over with arrows stuck in them.

Legolas is shooting the orcs attacking Thorin from the top of the tower. Thorin, with his broken sword, takes on the remaining orcs.

Tauriel, in a moment of peace after dispatching her opponent, calls out.

[Tauriel:] “KILI!”

Kili hears her, but he’s too busy fighting two orcs at once to respond.

[Tauriel:] “KILI!”

[Kili:] “TAURIEL!”

[Tauriel:] “Kili…”

Suddenly, Bolg jumps out of a tunnel and kicks Tauriel into a rock.

[Tauriel:] “NO!”

"NO!" screams another voice it Was Calen she and Fili had made it,at her cry Kili looked up and saw her and His brother.

He quickly ran to them and hugged them both tightly before they all started to fight Blog.

Kili and Fili both angrily defeats their opponents and begins making their way toward Tauriel.

Calen manages to run towards Tauriel with out being seen. But they both get caught by Blog.

he manages to grab both her their arms in his hands and slowly begin to Crush them.

causing them both to shriek in pain; he then smashes his fist down on Tauriel, completely forgetting about the Elfling held in his other hand.

Taking this chance Calen hits hit head hard with the hilt of her Sword making Bolg drop both Elfs.

Thorin continues fighting orcs while Legolas helps. Kili rushes desperately as he hears Tauriel’s groans.

I'm an Elfling! (The Hobbit fanfiction) (Book lll) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora