Chapter 13 : Dragon Sickness Cured

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This one will mainly be about Thorin and whats happening in Erebor with the rest of the Dwarfs.

Start of recap...

Back in the battle...

Calen looks to the gates of Erebor waiting for Thorin and the other 1w Dwarfs to run threw the gates and help them.

"come on Thorin come on" she whispered helplessly, she looked up at were Azog is and glares.

"why don't I try and teleport up there, no if I do that I could mess up things big time" she harshly whispered to herself.

She was still swinging her sword as Orcs came running, she was getting tired I mean she was still a Child.

But she kept going, she followed Gandalf and Bilbo fighting along side them.

As much as her heart ache to fight along side her kin she didn't want to get in there way.

There will be more Orcs coming soon.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

[Thorin:] “I AM YOUR KING!”

Thorin roars and pulls out his sword; however, he is so unbalanced that he almost falls over.

[Dwalin:] “You were always my king. You used to know that once.”

Dwalin bows his head in sorrow.

[Dwalin:] “You cannot see that you have become.”

[Thorin:] “Go! Get out...before I kill you.”

After looking at each other for a while, Dwalin turns and leaves.

Thorin walks through the hall in which he tried to drown Smaug; the entire floor is covered in gold a few feet deep.

In his head, he hears many of the words that he spoke or were spoken to him earlier.


[Dwalin:] “You sit here...with a crown upon your are lesser now than you have ever been...”

[Thorin:] “...but a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost...”

[Balin:] “...a sickness lies upon that treasure...”

[Bard:] “...the blind ambition of a mountain-king…”

[Thorin:] “...AM I NOT THE KING...”

[Thorin:] “...this ours...and ours alone...”

[Balin:] “...treasure…”

[Thorin:] “...I will not part with a single coin...”

[Bard:] “...he could not see beyond his own desire...”

[Thorin:] “ if I was some lowly dwarf lord…”

[Thorin:] “...Oakenshield...”

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