Chapter 5 : Thorin Is Crazy

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Hi I've finished my school work so here's chapter 5

Start of recap...

"Calen!" he cried holding her in his arms, Calen laughed and Hugged bilbo back being mindful of her injuries she just noticed.

Dwalin and Balin were also happy to see the Elfling they both Walked over to the Elfling as she was telling bilbo everything that had happened.

"and then Boom!! He fell from the sky with a giant splash, it was so scary Bilbo it was scared I wouldn't get to see you again" said the Elfling crying into Bilbos vest.

Bilbo did nothing but hold the tired Elfling.

"shh shh its okay your safe now Little one" he muttered.

After calming Down the two Dwarves  and hobbit took the Elfling to the medical Wing to bind her injuries she ahd sustain.

But Calen had other things to do, like safe thorin, Kili and Fili ffom dieing she new the battle was soon she hadn't much time to prepare.

End of recap...

Calen/ Jazz pov...

"I'm fine master Oin" I complain as the Dwarf wraps my injuries up, I wince and try to pull away but he kept a strong grip on my arm.

Instead of struggling more I sigh and relax on the table were I was sitting on.

In the doorway I saw Kili and Fili sniggering at me, in turn I stuck my tongue out at both of them and pouted.

Which made them laugh even more.

With Balin and Bilbo...

Balin is in a quiet corner somewhere, breathing deeply as if he had just been weeping. Bilbo finds him.

[Balin:] “Dragon-sickness - I’ve seen it before. That look. That terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo. It sent his grandfather mad.”

[Bilbo:] “Balin, if-if Thorin...had the Arkenstone...”

Bilbo slightly cocks his head, and Balin looks surprised, understanding Bilbo’s implication.

[Bilbo:] “...if it was found - Would it help?”

[Balin:] “That stone crowns all. It is the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it. Will it stay his madness? No, lad; I fear it would make it worse. Perhaps it is best that it remains lost.”

Balin raises his eyebrows at Bilbo.

Back with Calen...

"are you done now" I asked the Dwarf

"almost Elfling"


"not yet"


"no Elfling  not done yet"

Cried the Dwarf successfully shutting me up. He then tied the binding on my arm and I hopped down to the floor grinning.

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