Chapter 6 : Mirkwood Elfs Are Here

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Start of recap...

Bard walks away and calls to the people.

[Bard:] "Make camp here tonight. Find what shelter you can. Get some fires going. Alfrid, you take the night watch."

As Alfrid looks sourly at Bard and stomps off, Bard looks back at the Mountain, uneasy.

Within the walls of Erebor, the dwarves work to block up the entrance that Smaug broke through.

They carry rocks both by hand and with the help of various pulleys and other machines.

[Thorin:] "I want this fortress made safe by sunup. This mountain was hard won - I will not see it taken again."

[Kili:] "The people of Laketown have nothing. They came to us in need. They have lost everything."

[Thorin:] "Do not tell me what they have lost. I know well enough their hardship. Those who have lived through dragonfire should rejoice. They have much to be grateful for."

Thorin looks out at the city of Dale, where many fires can be seen lit by the people. He then turns and shouts to his dwarves.

[Thorin:] "More stone! BRING MORE STONE TO THE GATE!"

Bilbo looks on in despair. Claen holds his hand hoping to comfort him.

"I hope to see Tilda soon" Calen said sadly.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

It is night in Dale, and the people sit around, as the healthy tend to the wounded. Infants can be heard crying.

[Man:] "These children are starving! We need food!"

[Man:] "We won't last three days!"

[Percy:] "Bard, we don't have enough."

[Bard:] "Do want you can, Percy"

[Woman:] "We need more water."

[Bard:] "The children, the wounded and the women come first."

Bard walks over to where Alfrid had been standing guard. Alfrid was actually napping, and he wakes up as Bard speaks.

[Bard:] "Morning, Alfrid. What news from the night watch?"

[Alfrid:] "All quiet, sire, I must report. Nothing gets past me."

Yawning, he gets up and follow Bard outside, only to find that Bard has stopped suddenly in the archway.

[Bard:] "Except an army of elves, it would seem."

Outside, the courtyard is packed full of Mirkwood elves dressed in full battle gear, standing in perfectly ordered lines.

The people of Laketown begin coming out of their buildings and see the elves.

Bard walks down the steps and approaches the elves, some lines of which turn and step back to make a pathway for Bard.

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