Chapter 14 : To Ravenhill!

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Start of recap...

The rocks fall forward and make a rough bridge across the moat. Thorin and his dwarves rush out and through the ranks of the Iron Hills dwarves; Azog looks on in shock. Dain begins shouting to his troops.


[Thorin:] “Du Bekâr!” [To arms!]”

Thorin leads the way as all the dwarves form a wedge behind him. They smash their way through the orc ranks, releasing their pent up anger and hatred.

In Dale, Claen Bilbo and Gandalf look out at the plain from an abandoned causeway.

[Bilbo:] “The dwarves! They’re rallying!”

They watch as the dwarves, fighting with new vigour, destroy the orcs.

"Wow" breaths out the Elfling huffing and puffing drawing air into her lungs.

[Gandalf:] “They are rallying to their king!”

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Bard speaks to his remaining men.

[Bard:] “Any men who want to give their last - follow me!”

They charge through the city and clash with the orcs, fighting with reckless abandon now that they know the dwarves are back at it.

In the Great Hall, The Woman grabs a spear and speaks to the others huddled inside.

[The Woman:] “I say we stand with our men in life and in death! Arm yourselves!”

Many of the women and older men grab their weapons and follow her; Bain grabs his sword.

Meanwhile, a woman speaks to an old lady sitting hunched over under her shawl.

[Woman #2:] “Come with us, love.”

[Alfrid:] “No, no, no! You leave an old woman be.”

[Woman #2:] “Don’t be afraid.”

The “woman” under the shawl suddenly stops using the fake voice and speaks in a male voice; it is actually Alfrid, who was trying to disguise himself as an old lady.”

[Alfrid:] “I said get off!”

The Woman reaches over the yanks off the shawl, revealing Alfrid to everyone.

[The Woman:] “Alfrid Lickspill, you are a coward!”

[Alfrid:] “Coward?! Not every man is brave enough to wear a corsett!”

[Woman #1:] “You’re not a man, you’re a weasel!”

As the others grab whatever tools or weapons they can find to join the battle, an urn falls over, and Alfrid sees it fall.

It breaks open to reveal that is was full of gold and silver coins.

On the battlefield, Thorin defeats an orc. He calls out to Dain, who is not far away.

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