Chapter 12 : Thorin Won't Help

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Start of recap...

Bard hears them and turns to see them, looking relieved. However, his expressions changes to shock when he sees a troll enter the lane behind the children, throwing men many feet away with a single blow of his mace.

The troll sees the children and growls, and the girls scream. They are too far away for Bard to reach them in time, and he looks around frantically

As the troll approaches the children, Bard tilts upright a cart that had been laying sideways in the courtyard.

He scrambles into it and launches it down the avenue toward the children. The troll raises its mace to smash the children, but pauses in surprise when it sees Bard hurtling toward it in the cart.


They throw themselves to the floor as the cart bounces over them.

It then smashes into the troll and sends it flying; Bard is also thrown forward, and he manages to thrust his sword into the troll’s heart in a flying strike.

End of recap...

Calen / Jazz pov...

"man it's crazy out hear"  I say as I slash another Orcs in half disgusting creature I can't believe they used to be Elfs.

It will hours till we win that means Thorin, Kili and Filis lives will be in my hands I'm the only one who can save them.

I then turn to Gandalf who was busy fighting behind me, I shouted over everything else hoping he will hear me.

"Mithrandir I don't see us beating these things anytime soon" I yell

Gandalf looks to me slightly as he cut of an Orcs arms he had cuts blood and mud on his face.

"to be completely honest little one Neither do I" he said and we went abck to fighting.

I roundhouse kicked an Orc trying to sneak up behind me, knocking him out I spun grabbed my dagger and stabbed an Orc in the kneck as it stood behind me.

We continue fighting slashing left and right growing tired by the minute.

Third person pov...

As more and more orcs and trolls enter the city, Thranduil rides his elk into the city by crossing one of the bridges. As he crosses, his elk tramples many orcs.

The elk lowers its horns and spears five orcs at the same time, lifting them up so that Thranduil can behead all of them with one swing of his sword.

As they thunder into the city, the elk is killed by multiple Orc arrows to the chest. As it falls, Thranduil leaps clear and rolls. He comes up from his roll to find himself surrounded by orcs.

(so be honest I was very sad when his Elk died)

He pulls out both his sword and begins fighting them, soon reinforced by his elven foot troops.

In the city, the men, elves, and orc all fight each other, and the orcs seems to have the upper hand because of their massive numbers.

Azog watches from his hilltop vantage point.

[Azog:] “_ _ _” [They cannot hold the city. The Dwarves are almost spent.]

In the plains in front of Erebor, the Iron Hills dwarves are being driven back by the orcs. Orcs manage to kill Dain’s war pig.

[Dain:] “You buggars!”

He begins killing orcs left and right with his hammer and by headbutting them.

[Dain:] “Where’s Thorin?! We need him! Where is he?”

From his vantage point, Azog gloats as both battlefronts are being won by the orcs.

[Azog:] “_ _ _” [Let these lands run with blood! Slaughter them all.]

[Bard:] “FALL BACK!”

In Erebor...

Meanwhile, in Erebor, Thorin is merely sitting on the throne. Dwalin approaches him.

[Dwalin:] “Since when do we forsake our own people? Thorin, they are dying out there.”

[Thorin:] “There are halls beneath halls within this mountain - places we can fortify.”

Dwalin looks disappointed and angry.

[Thorin:] “Shore up, make safe. Yes…”

[Thorin:] “...Yes - that is it. We must move the gold further underground - to safety!”

Thorin begins walking away, but Dwalin angrily calls out to him.

[Dwalin:] “Did you not hear me?! Dain is surrounded! They’re being slaughtered, Thorin.”

[Thorin:] “Many die in war. Life is cheap. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. It is worth all the blood we can spend!”

[Dwalin:] “You sit here in these vast halls, with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been.”

[Thorin:] “Do not speak to me as if I was some lowly dwarf lord…”

As he speaks, Thorin is clearly mentally affected.

[Thorin:] “As-As if I were still...Thorin...Oakenshield.”

[Thorin:] “I AM YOUR KING!”

Back in the battle...

Calen looks to the gates of Erebor waiting for Thorin and the other 1w Dwarfs to run threw the gates and help them.

"come on Thorin come on" she whispered helplessly, she looked up at were Azog is and glares.

"why don't I try and teleport up there, no if I do that I could mess up things big time" she harshly whispered to herself.

She was still swinging her sword as Orcs came running, she was getting tired I mean she was still a Child.

But she kept going, she followed Gandalf and Bilbo fighting along side them.

As much as her heart ache to fight along side her kin she didn't want to get in there way.

There will be more Orcs coming soon.

To be continued...

A shorter chapter then usual so sorry.

Word count : 920

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