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Sehun's POV

"Wait!" Sehun shouts in panic.

Minho looks over at Sehun with raised brows. A smirk begins growing on his face now that he's finally gotten some emotion out of Sehun.

Sehun knew his face was giving away all of his thoughts and feelings at the moment, but he couldn't continue to act like nothing was bothering him. He knew Minho wouldn't hesitate to shoot both Chanyeol and Jaesuk right there. Minho meant it when he said he would kill them both if he didn't choose.

Sehun felt bile rising up his throat because he knew what he had to do. He had to choose Chanyeol. That was his cousin, who had been through almost everything with him. He was an EXO member and his brother for all intents-and-purposes. Chanyeol was damn near his other half.

However, Jaesuk had truly become his friend, and he certainly didn't want the man to lose his life because of it. Sehun didn't even know if he would still be here without all of the help Jaesuk gave him while he was with the Baem.

"Mmm. No. No more waiting. I gave you time to choose, and you refused, so now they'll both die."

Sehun was borderline distraught as he looked between his two allies. He could see it on their faces that neither man blamed him for the situation they were put in, and it almost brought Sehun to his knees. He opened his mouth to speak, to say anything that would stop Minho, but no words would come out.

Minho sighs and waves a hand at the Baem members to carry on, but a voice startles all of them.

"Choose Chanyeol."

Sehun's eyes snap up at Jaesuk's quiet words in shock, while Chanyeol nearly snaps his neck to look over at the man next to him. He knew Chanyeol was even more shocked than Sehun, and he looked at the stranger in confusion. It was obvious Chanyeol couldn't figure out why a Baem member would sacrifice himself to save him, but Sehun couldn't worry about that right now.

He meets Jaesuk's stare and can see the acceptance behind the man's dark eyes. It was clear Jaesuk had already made up his mind about what would happen. He probably knew Sehun wouldn't be able to choose one over the other, so he would choose for him. Jae had always been two steps ahead of him.

"It's okay, Sehun..." Jaesuk softly tells him.

Tears pricked Sehun's eyes, and he no longer cared who saw them. He didn't care how weak it made him look to the Baem. All he cared about was Jaesuk's soft words to him.

The five minutes had to have been up, but his men still weren't there. He never accounted for the other possibilities of what could prevent them from coming to the rescue... Baem backup coming, them not being fast enough... them not bothering to come at all... He just assumed they'd get there in time and save the day, but those weren't the cards he was dealt with.

All he knew was that Minho wasn't going to wait any longer.

"I'm so sorry, Jae..." Sehun chokes out.

Jaesuk closes his eyes and slowly nods, waiting for the inevitable. Sehun looks up at Minho, and through blurry eyes, can see the sadistic smirk on his face. Deep down, they all knew this was going to be the outcome. Sehun just wanted to pretend that it wasn't.

With a nod from Minho, the Baem member next to Jaesuk pulls the trigger, and Jaesuk's body jerks to the side before he slumps over on the ground. Sehun watched it happen like it was in slow motion... like he was watching a video on a slowed-down playback speed that would be burned into his brain for the rest of his life.

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