Part 10

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Junmyeon's POV

"If we attack these two buildings immediately, they'll be forced to stop their shipments and scramble to find new routes that haven't been compromised yet."

Junmyeon considers Minseok's plan as they go through strategy after strategy in regards to the map Sehun had sent them. The members had all been coming up with possible scenarios and outcomes for when they attacked the Baem's properties. Currently, he, Minseok, and Jongin were in his office running through their 15th plan. They weren't satisfied enough with any of them.

Junmyeon welcomed the distraction when he heard a knock on his door because his mind was becoming mush. He sits back as Baekhyun walks in to discuss something with Jongin. Junmyeon studies the younger men as they animatedly discussed whatever it was.

He had known Baekhyun for close to seven or eight years, and he had always liked him. Baekhyun had been so full of life before his sister was killed, and after, he tried to keep up with the life he previously had, but it had become darker and more twisted. He had become darker, just like the rest of them.

Baekhyun once lived the party lifestyle: girls, booze, and drugs. He lived hard and wanted to party harder, but it had become clear to Junmyeon that it wasn't the life Baekhyun really wanted. He was just filling a void within that he didn't know how else to fill. That was until you came along.

It was so subtle at first that Junmyeon almost didn't notice it. Baekhyun had started going out less, stopped bringing girls home, and hung around the house more. He became more curious about you and more interested in who you were. It was almost like he was drawn to you, and Baekhyun himself didn't even realize it.

Junmyeon truly noticed Baekhyun's actions and thoughts towards you when you were kidnapped by the Baem. Nobody helped him out more with the search and rescue than Baekhyun did. The pair spent countless hours strategizing ways to save you while Minseok tried to keep the two of them level headed. Junmyeon pushed everything he was noticing at the time to the side because, obviously, there were more important things, but now... How did he feel about whatever was going on between you and Baekhyun?

Well... he didn't know how to feel about it...

As your older brother, he wanted you to have nothing but the best and be with someone who would move mountains for you. Deep down, he knew Baekhyun would move heaven and hell for you if he could figure out a way; however, Junmyeon didn't think Baekhyun was good enough for you. This wasn't a fault on Baekhyun's part because Junmyeon would always think there was nobody on this Earth that would be good enough for you.

That being said... there was almost nobody else on this entire planet that he would really trust more with you than Baekhyun. Minseok was really the only other person that came to mind, and that was because he was Junmyeon's second.

The only thing that was really pissing Junmyeon off was Baekhyun's back and forth with you. He clearly wants to fucking be with you, so what's stopping him? Junmyeon was suddenly determined to find out.

"I need everyone to leave," he says before looking at Baekhyun. "Except you, Baekhyun. We need to talk."

Junmyeon notices the confused expressions on Minseok and Jongin's faces, and the startled one on Baekhyun's, as the men begin standing up and heading towards the door. Baekhyun watches as they leave the office, shutting the door behind them. A worried expression sits on his face before one of defiance and determination takes over.

"Sit." Junmyeon orders, gesturing to the chair in front of him.

Baekhyun slowly sits in the seat and then meets Junmyeon's stare head-on, which Junmyeon respected. He waited a moment to see if the younger man would question what this was about, but they both already knew.

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