Part 3

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Baekhyun's POV

Fuck. Fuck. This is not good.

To say that Baekhyun was two seconds away from freaking the hell out was an understatement. There were so many thoughts running through his mind that he had a hard time grasping one and focusing on it.

In the midst of all these thoughts, he had made it up to his bedroom without any recollection of hallways or stairs. He had been in complete autopilot mode.

Now that he was in the safety of his own room, he found his way over to the end of his bed and dropped down onto it. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to breathe in through his nostrils and out of his mouth to calm down.

What the hell had he just done?

"Fuck." He says out loud to absolutely nobody before dropping his head into his hands.

All he could think about was you. Your blinding smile. Your melodious laugh. Your beautiful lips moving against his, and how it took everything he had in him to stop kissing you. He could've stayed down there in that training room with you for hours, and the thought terrified him. That was when reality slammed into him.

He was falling in love with you.

It wasn't just a giant crush or heavy lust. No, Baekhyun was completely falling for you. Your courage enticed him. Your wit impressed him. Your compassion floored him. Everything about you drew him to you like a moth to a flame.

What scared him was that he would happily burn in your brightness.

This realization came with a whole slew of problems. One is that you were his leader's little sister. The man that Baekhyun had risked his life for time and time again. The one who was there for him after the death of his sister and Minhyuk. Junmyeon would kill any of them for even entertaining the idea of being with you, but that wasn't what Baekhyun was truly afraid of.

After the deaths of Jisoo and Minhyuk, Baekhyun swore he would never be with someone involved in the mafia world. Ever.

He never wanted to constantly worry about the person he loves not coming home or have his partner worry about it either. The constant hoping and praying that one of them wasn't killed in this lifestyle... He didn't want that.

He didn't want a repeat of what happened with his sister and Minhyuk. It would absolutely destroy him if someone were able to hold his relationship over his head and use it against him in any type of way.

Which meant there was only one thing to do.

He'd have to fight his feelings for you and put as much distance between the two of you as possible.

The thought almost brought him to his knees, because it was the absolute last thing he wanted to do, but, as of right now, it was what we had to do.

A loud pounding sounded on his door, jolting Baekhyun from his thoughts before he heard Chanyeol's slurred, demanding voice on the other side of it.

"Let's go to the club!"

Baekhyun squeezes his eyes shut, irritated with having to constantly watch an adult act like a child, and knowing it might be a little fucked up in regards to his situation with you, he says okay.


You don't know how long you sat on the training room floor after Baekhyun had kissed you and ran, but it was long enough for your butt to go numb. You had replayed the kiss in your mind an embarrassing amount of times. You couldn't help but remember the way your bodies had fit together like they were made for each other, and you also couldn't get over the intense feelings you were experiencing.

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