Part 6

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For some reason, you had never expected Baekhyun to turn you down, and for the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. Just because he kissed you? Because he held and comforted you when you needed it over the past few months? When did you become so sure that he even liked you?

His words come back to you as you drop face down onto your bed in an attempt to silence your cries. "I know I'd be the luckiest man on Earth to have you, but we can't be together." You couldn't be together because you wanted to be involved in the same world as him? Deep down, way deep down, you knew a part of what he said made sense. What he witnessed happen to his sister and Minhyuk was horrible and you completely understood why he wouldn't ever want to experience that, but that didn't mean you liked it.

After you felt like you had emptied your body of tears, a knock sounded on your door. You had every intention of ignoring it because there wasn't a single person you wanted to talk to right now, but whoever it was, they were adamant to see you.

Once the fifth round of knocks comes, you push yourself onto your side and loudly say, "What? What do you want?"

You didn't care how it came off or if you sounded like a bitch. All you wanted was to be alone. Once you spot your doorknob starting to twist, anger quickly begins to stir in you, but once you see Yixing's concerned face, it melts away entirely.

He quietly walks into the room while surveying you, and you knew right away what he would see. A splotchy, flushed face still slightly wet and stained with tear tracks and swollen eyes, but you didn't care. You look at him with a blank stare and blink, causing him to quickly shut your bedroom door and come over to you on your bed.

He tries to hide the worried look on his face as he sits on the edge of your bed, but you see it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I told Baekhyun I liked him." You answer blandly.

Yixing jolts at your sudden confession before confusion slides onto his face. "But why are you crying?"

"Because he turned me down."

Yixing's mouth falls open, and he blinks a couple times before he shakes his head. "I'm sorry... What?"

Even though everything in you wanted to forget what happened, you give Yixing a recap of your conversation with Baekhyun and watch as Yixing's facial expressions go from confused to bewildered to pity. After you finish, he silently sits there and processes everything you had told him. A minute passes by before he nods and turns to you.

"He's terrified of the past repeating itself. After everything happened with his sister and Minhyuk, Baekhyun was such a mess, and that's putting it politely. Actually, he was a completely different person than he is now. Imagine Chanyeol, but with a death wish. Baekhyun pushed every limit that he could to the point where Junmyeon lost hope of ever getting the old Baekhyun back. For a while, the only reason he stayed alive was for his mom. Even though they rarely saw each other, they were all the other one had left..." Yixing trails off, pausing in thought.

"That was around the time I joined EXO. I had never known Baekhyun before his sister's death, but I hated who he was then. Over time, he found ways of healing and eventually came to be who he is now, but it wasn't pretty."

You were enraptured with Yixing's words. Baekhyun had once told you his story and about Jisoo and Minhyuk, but hearing it from another perspective was truly eye-opening. Your heart ached for him and imagining Baekhyun like Chanyeol was something that was almost out of your realm of comprehension.

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