Part 9

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Baekhyun's POV

He was in a daze. Every word his members were saying was going in one ear and out the other. He had been this way ever since he saw you walking up the driveway.

It wasn't because of the feeling that a tight fist had gripped his heart at the sight of you. Not even because of the breath that whooshed out of him when you spoke. No, it was because the second his eyes landed on your neck, he saw red.

His mind blanked out after that. All he knew was that whoever had hurt you was going to pay for it with their life, and Baekhyun was going to take his time doing it.

As much as it killed him, he had to pull his gaze away from you. The purple and red marks that were growing prominent before his eyes drew his brain into a manic rage and he wanted to hurt someone in ways that even disgusted himself.

It became even worse when you told everyone that it was Sehun who had done it. The initial shock wore off quickly as Baekhyun remembered that it wasn't the first time Sehun had his hands around your neck, and the fury quickly came back.

Brother or not, Baekhyun wanted to hurt him.

Baekhyun tried to calm himself down and tune into the discussion being had, but he literally couldn't focus. He had already been frantically worrying about you misunderstanding those girls and now he was ready to murder everyone at even the thought of you being hurt, but what right did he have to do or say anything? He was the one that insisted the two of you couldn't be together.

Not that that was going to stop him from being worried sick about you, regardless. Just because he said that you couldn't be together didn't mean his feelings magically went away. He still cared deeply for you and wanted you to be okay.

Also, now that the immense anger he was feeling was quieting down, his brain could focus on the fact that they found Sehun. He was alive, well, and apparently working with the Baem.

Baekhyun forced himself to take a deep breath through his nostrils once he felt the anger rising again. Not only did he dare to touch you, but he was working with the family that killed his fucking sister.

He closes his eyes at the thoughts going through his head and tries to push aside his feelings, so he could focus on what he needed to do. Once the other member's voice's started coming through, he cautiously opens his eyes. They were discussing theories about what could've happened to Sehun to make him lose his memories. Okay. He could do that.

His eyes automatically find your face, and he startles when he sees that you're watching him. You quickly look away once you're caught, but Baekhyun won't forget the concerned look that was present on your face. Even if you were trying to hide it now.

"What if he was hurt when the warehouse exploded? Maybe he was knocked out by something?"

Junmyeon considers Jongdae's comment for a moment. "That would be my best guess. Unless a Baem member hit him in the head hard enough to knock him out or something. What do you think, Yixing?"

"Severe head trauma can cause retrograde amnesia..." Yixing nods before turning to you. "You said he seemed fine other than no past memories?"

"As far as I could tell... but would he be remembering random things like numbers and locations?" You question.

"Over time, memories can trickle back in, especially ones that were drilled in like the things he knows. Some day, he might be able to get all his memories back, but it's also possible that he never will." Yixing shrugs like he didn't just drop another bomb on them before concluding, "Everyone's brain is different."

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