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A R C H E R  P O V

We're in a club having an enjoyable time, and the drinks flowing just at the right speed. We got Aston to play a drinking game, and now he's drunk. 

It's early morning when we head back to the hotel. 

Entered my room when my phone rings, and I glanced at my mobile, don't even recognise the number. 

"Yes," "Can I talk to Mr Waitland, this Sargent Masters." Rubbed my face, this is to do with Sasha. 

"Yes, speaking." I answer. 

"We arrested your wife for causing a disturbance." 

Just fucking knew it. Comb my fingers through my hair. 

"Is she all right?" "She had an altercation with her mother." Fuck sake. "Could you please come and bail her out?" 

"I'll be there in an hour." I hang up. Placed my phone in my pocket, packed my case.

Had my case ready to leave. "Dad, Aston. I need to leave." Aston steps out from his room. "Sasha got arrested after having an altercation with her mother." He shakes his head. "Archer, I'll call you." I nod my father shakes his head. Leave to get in the limo.

Arrive at the station to tell them I've come for Sasha. Sit waiting, but all I can hear is her mouth venting how unhappy she is. 

She glances at me, and I shake my head. She follows me to the limo, and slides in the back after me. 

We drive back to the penthouse, and I keep my cool until we are inside the penthouse. "What the fuck were you thinking? Going over to your mothers." I yelled with rage. She stands gazing out the window, not uttering a word.

I didn't know what else to say to her. "Sasha, grow up. It's like babysitting a child. Fuck sake. Take the blame for your actions and stop blaming everyone else." My voice is harsh. 

She turns to face me with tears, and moves over to the side table, grabs her bag, opens the door to leave. 

My patience is wafer thin, and I can't take this anymore. No more of her stupid out bursts.

"You walk out that door..." I had to stop myself from saying something I would regret. 

She takes her ring from her finger and places it on the table. My heart stopped for a few seconds, realising she understood what I said, but I stopped myself. "Sasha, I didn't mean it like that." She shakes her head. 

The tears fall onto her cheeks, and steps out the door, closing it behind her.

Rushed after her to stop her. "Sasha, please just talk to me. Let me know how I can help you?" She touches my cheek. Her eyes have no spark, no life. 

"You can't help me, no one can. You're right, I'm to blame." My eyes cloud with tears hearing the pain in her words. 

"Let's talk." She steps over to the elevator, steps in the doors close. 

I break down crying. Amble back to the penthouse, pick her ring up and sob. I should've kept my cool and handled it differently.

What the fuck. I leave to find her. 

Get outside to notice the limo still there, and scanned around, glancing in both directions to view her walking down towards the park. 

Run towards her to stop her, and she turns to throw a punch at me. Grab her hands, put them behind her back, pulling her close to me. 

"You're one fucking sexy, hot, wife." Press my lips to hers. We kiss. "I'm sorry. Archer, I'm done. I got nothing left." Take her in my arms. 

The sorrow in her eyes makes my heartache. 

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