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S A S H A  P O V

Couldn't believe what my eyes witnessed. He will never change; all Archer thinks about is getting what he wants and doesn't care who he hurts. 

Should've realised and not open my heart again. Sobbed as Aston hands me a tissue. It was the only place I could think of going to. "He's lucky I didn't punch him," I said, Pip hugs me. 

"Sasha, looked what happened last time you punched someone?" Pip reminds me.

Curled up on Aston's sofa. "Sasha, there's a spare room down the hall on the right. You should get some sleep." Aston tells me. 

Stand to make my way to the room. Glanced in the mirror to observe bloodshot eyes and tears down my cheeks.

 Asshole, why the hell did I ever believe he could change? When it comes to Britney, he'll never change, she'll always come first. That's the girl he's truly in love with, not me.

Stepped into the shower to relax. Good old Sasha will always bounce back. Guess I will and continue to have every man in my life abandon me. 

I give up with men. That's driving me to laugh, but I'm done. Stepped out from the shower to grab a towel. 

Dried put my full set of pyjamas on. Yep, I had my fluffy jammies, on which I wear when I feel low.

Sit on the bed to put my phone charging. It wouldn't stop going crazy with texts and voice messages. 

All from Archer, the mother fucker even had the nerve to send me. I deleted all of them without reading or listening to his excuses.

Laid on the bed pulled the quilt over me. "Sasha, could I come in?" Take a deep breath. "Yes." Aston's got his phone in his hand. 

"Archer's on the phone in a terrible state." He tells me, glancing down at his phone. "Couldn't give a shit, He can go and rot with Britney. Nothing he says will get me to change my mind." I respond. 

He shakes his head and unmutes his phone, putting it on the loudspeaker.

Shake my head and fold my arms across my chest. "Aston, I miss her. Please ask her to talk to me. I love her." "Archer, you need to tell me what happened?" Shake my head at him. "Nothing occurred, that's the whole point. Britney showed up, closed the door. Fuck, I just want Sasha back." We could hear Archer crying. "She asked if I had missed her, I told her I hadn't, and she takes her jacket off. She stood there in lingerie. I stepped over to her to hand back her jacket and took my seat to wait for her to leave. She sits on my lap locking her arms around my neck. I was trying to push her from me, and that's when Sasha opened the door." We hear him sob.

Aston glances over at me with sad eyes. I shake my head. "So, nothing happened?" "Aston, I swear on my life. I wouldn't do that to Sasha. I love her too much." Aston shrugs his shoulders at me with a pitiful expression. 

Shake my head at him waving my hands. "I'm done with you. I'll return to work, but I want nothing to do with you. It's strictly professional and that's it." I say. "Sasha, I swear you're the only one I want." "Archer, I mean what I said we're done." I laid back down to close my eyes. Aston leaves.

How could he make up excuses? When my own eyes could clearly observe, his hands around her hips the surprised expression. A surprised view that he's been caught. I have seen that face before, so no excuse is going to help him. I'm angry with myself for letting him talk me into dating him. I knew what he's like, and I still let him do it to me.


Arrived at my desk to no observe a bouquet of red roses. Shake my head, strode to his office door to place his coffee and breakfast. 

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