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S A S H A  P O V

Well, Archer reckons I've forgiven him, but he is very much mistaken. I'll let him have the weekend to have his fun. 

It's the stag weekend, and I have a hen party tonight. Got with Violet to arrange the party at hers. 

The guys are going out of town for the entire weekend, and they left a while ago with a weekend bag. 

For me, it's all about trust. I have to learn to trust Archer, but it's tough to when he keeps fucking up.

Slipped my shoes on and leave to head over to Violet's. It still hurts knowing Archer forgot my birthday. 

I keep pondering about the wedding, and the more I ponder about, the more I get lost in my thoughts of what I would've wanted. 

Guess I'll have to suck it up, grow some backbone. I believe I lost my edge. I don't feel like I want to have fun or even do anything.

I simply don't want to be around people.

I'm just going along with the flow and watching everyone have fun. Self-pity is what I'm feeling. 

The limo approached the house. There are a few cars here. The driver opens the door. I slide out to my feet and step up to the house. 

Could hear the music playing, and made my way to the back of the house to notice the girls all ready to have fun. "Sasha, how are you?" Violet asks me. "I'm good." She smiles, kisses my cheek.

Find a table to sit at and get a drink. That's all I seem to be doing lately is drinking. Trying to drown my sorrow. 

Downed my first glass and got another. Pip strolls over to me to sit. "Pip, you look amazing." She smiles. 

She's all done up with the bride to be sash in a beautiful white lace dress. "Sasha, are you all right? You haven't been yourself." "I'm fine. It's nothing." I tell her being my normal cheery self. 

Take a deep breath and down the drink. Grab another glass to down before taking the stage to put that smile on my lips.

Yep, I'm angry at myself, not anyone else. Until my eyes clock my mother. This could not be happening to me. "Pip, we need you up here to get this hen party in full swing." Violet looks at me with a smile. "Pip, blindfold." She slips it over her head and sits on the chair. Puts the blindfold over her eyes. "Now Pip, this is a game, and you got to guess what is in your hands." She smiles. Pointed to the stripper who stands behind her.

The women are screaming. "Pip, hold your hands out and tell me what you feel." Placed a banana in her hands. "It's a banana." She shouts. "Now tell me what this is." I put a vibrator in her hand. "Sasha." She shouts with embarrassment. "I guess you haven't gone to first base with Aston." The women laughed. She shakes her head with amusement.

Got the stripper to stand in front of her. "Now Pip, tell me what you feel." We're in stitches with the way her hands are all over him. 

"It's not Aston." "You're right. Take the blindfold off." She takes it off and giggles. 

He starts to strip for her and dancing on her lap. The ladies are going crazy. Even Violet shouts at the guy.

Sit back at the table to have a drink, watching Pip having fun. A while later, he's mixing with the other ladies. "Sasha, thank you for doing all this," Pip says and hugs me. 

We have a drink, then I leave early. Sitting in the limo on my way back to the penthouse. I didn't feel like partying, but I did show up and made sure she had a good time.

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