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Woke this morning with an enormous hangover. Lift my head to view Aston tangle up with a girl on the sofa. He's laid on his front naked, and so is the girl. 

Rubbed my face, trying to recall what transpired last night. Did I really drink that much? I only wanted to have a couple to celebrate my divorce. 

Yes, I'm a free man. Finally, it took four months to finalise. Mind you, she got an agreeable settlement with which my parents were unhappy.

Rolled on my back having a bottle knock me in the head. Picked up the bottle to realise it's from my wine cellar. Oh, please no. 

Fucking thousand pound a pop. Closed my eyes for a few seconds when a girl throws her arm over my naked body. 

Fling my eyes open as I glanced to the side. Two of them. I'm shocked and surprised. Sit on the edge of the bed. Rub my face repeatedly. Glanced towards Aston, who lifts his head.

He moans. "My head." He says and places it on the girl. "Your head. Mine's pounding." I say while advancing to the bathroom. "Mum and Dad will be pissed, we should've been there hours ago for the anniversary party." I shoot him an expression. 

"Aston, why didn't you remind me?" "You were too busy fucking a girl. And told me to fuck off bluntly." Stepped in the shower to have a quick one.

Didn't have time to muck around. Aston just lays there, not moving. "Aston, get up," I shout at him. "Hey, little brother, give me a break. Sasha will keep them amused until we get there." 

Shake my head. "No, she won't. She'll tell them the truth. She won't lie for anyone. I've asked her before to lie to Ellie and she wouldn't. I even bribed her with money and she still wouldn't." Put my suit on and wake all the girls telling them to leave.


We're in the limo on the way to our parents. Put my sunglasses on, so does my brother. "What a fucking party. We haven't done that in a while." He says. "I can't even remember half of last night after drinking a few bottles." We laughed. 

The limo pulled up to the house. We slide from the car, not saying anything as we stroll the door. The maid opens it, greeting us with a smile as we step into the expansive hallway. 

We could hear people talking and music playing.

Glanced at each other, take our sunglasses from our eyes strolled to the pool at the back of the house where people are enjoying themselves. 

My father glances at us and shakes his head. Mother steps over to us. "Did you party a little too hard, boys?" She laughs and saunters away. 

"I told you she'd tell them the truth." Aston smiles at me. "Okay, and where is she?" "Hopefully hiding from me." He rolls his eyes and ambles over to our father.

Glanced around hoping to glimpse Sasha, but I couldn't find her as I strolled over to mum. "Where is the snitch?" I ask my mother, who's got an amused smirk and isn't going unnoticed. 

"You mean Sasha." My mother knew precisely who I meant. "Sasha contacted early this morning informing us you'd be late and told me what you got up to last night." I smiled at my mother as I slide my sunglasses on to hide my hangover. 

"And where is she?" "Did she not contact you?" Shake my head.

My mother became quiet, which is highly unusual for her. "Mum, what are you not telling me?" She is still quiet, she glances over to my father, who shakes his head. 

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