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The three hours of sleep I had gotten last night was doing nothing to nurse the headache I was now sporting.

I wasn't hungover, just a stupid headache.

I sipped a cup of coffee, the mug burning my hand as I slouched over my bowl of cereal. My Mom was packing her bag for work, rushing around and mumbling things under her breath.

"Sebastian I just remembered that your car is still parked outside the party. Do you want me to drop you off after school so you can pick it up?" I heard Wren's voice say.

She had gone unnoticed to the slight change in the air as it shifted. There was now, no noise.

"Oh my God, Mrs Littler- Hi. I am so sorry for barging into your kitchen like this." Wren said, her cheeks brushing a deep red.

My Mom smiled, "It's Diane honey." She said softly, her eyes flittering down to the bulging bandage around her wrist.

Wren blushed, tucking a piece of hair behind her hair, "Sorry, Diane. I can leave if you two were busy."

"Nonsense! Would you like some breakfast?" Mom smiled.

Wren sat down on the bar stool at the end of the bar, three seats away from me.

"Breakfast is my favourite, thank you!" She grinned as my Mom poured lucky charms into a bowl and topped it with milk.

"Seb, a word." 

I swallowed, following my Mom into the foyer where she rocked on her heel, "Wren Thomas." Mom said.

I nodded, "That's her name." 

"Is that the same Wren Thomas who-"

"Yes, Mom. It's the same Wren."

She sighed, rubbing her temples, "What happened to her last night?" She asked me honestly, lowering her voice.

"I already told you, she hurt her wrist." 

"Yes but how? And don't you dare lie to me young man!" She said scarily.

I threw my hands up in surrender, "I wish I could tell you Mom but I can't. It's not my business. If you really want to know, go back in there and ask her yourself." I said.

Mom shook her head, "Doesn't matter. I love you, have a good day." She rushed out, before the lock clicked behind her.

I walked in the other direction back to the kitchen where I saw Wren standing by the sink.

She was washing our dishes and she placed them on the drying rack before turning around.

She jumped, "Did you just do the dishes?" 

Wren blinked, "Yes? Was I not supposed too?" She smiled, "No I just- never mind, you ready for school?" 

She nodded her head and gave me a hopeful smile. 

Her dress from last night was back on her body and I frowned, unsure of what to say.

"Here, I'll drive so you don't hurt your wrist." I said softly, opening my hands as a way to ask for the keys. She curled them around her forefinger, shaking her head "No way! This car is my life, and if you hurt my baby, I'll have to hurt you."

She tried to look tough but just looked younger. Her nose was scrunched up, her hair fell onto her face and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Yeah okay, whatever you say Thomas." I smirked, rolling my eyes. I glared her when she cut my voice off, turning the key into the ignition.

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my car." She giggled, reversing out of my driveway.

+ + + 

It was a silent ride the school, the sun only just waking up as we drove along the highway. 

We arrived just after 7:30, classrooms opening at 7:45.

I had opened the door, ready to get out when I noticed Wren was still in the car, "Are you coming?" I asked her, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I'm just going to head home, get changed first."

"First period starts in 20 minutes." I said, glancing between her and the clock on the school.

"I know. I'll miss the first few minutes of class, it'll be fine." She paused, "Thanks for um- letting my stay last night. I really appreciate it." She gave me a half smile before starting the car again.

I didn't bother arguing, knowing I wouldn't win as I closed her door.

I watched her drive off, a bad feeling settling in my stomach as I took the steps two at a time.

A hand was on my chest though before I could enter the school, "Why was that bitch dropping you off?" The rage filled voice of Billy filled my ears.

I bit my tongue, resisting the urge to punch him in the face.

"No reason. I left my car at the party and she offered me a ride because she saw me walking to school." I shrugged, lying through my teeth.

Billy scoffed, "Bullshit."

It was then I noticed the faint bite marks surrounding his arm. It had bruised a tiny bit and I felt oddly proud that Wren did that.

The bastard deserved to feel pain after what he did. He doesn't get to just roam freely around the school after that shit he pulled with Wren. Piece of shit.

I felt my blood boil as I pushed past him, walking through the school with my head high as I opened my locket, shoving the books I needed for the day into my bag.

I waited by my first period classroom, scrolling through my phone.

Although my mood soured as I noticed a viral video being shared on all my classmates instagram  stories. I was seething as I took a better look at what it was.

It was Wren, last night, being humiliated and shamed as she ran out of the house, crying. Billy was yelling slurs and curse words, slut-shaming Wren as everyone booed her.

I almost crushed my phone in my hand.

But it was halfway through my third period class when I realised I hadn't seen Wren. 

I checked her normal spots, unsure of why I felt so worried.

I checked the library, the cafeteria, the shady spot under the tree she and Lacey sit at.

I even tracked down Lacey, "No I haven't seen her, why?" Lacey said to me, her voice hoarse and raw.

Lacey told me that she hadn't seen Wren since she arrived at the party last night. She had no idea what had happened until this morning because she was at a guys house.

I ran my hands through my hair, scrolling through my contacts.

I dialled the number I needed and they picked up on the second ring.

"This better be important, I'm at work."

"Mom, I need to talk to you. It's about Wren."

+ + + 

betcha didn't expect that, hehe!

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