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"You're leaving? What do you mean you're leaving?" He said angrily, his voice washed out by the splatter of rain.

I looked down, tears filling my eyes, "I mean I'm going! I'm leaving this stupid town." I yelled back, my vision now blurry.

I felt my cheeks get hot as I sniffled, I'm definitely going to catch a cold.

We were in the centre of town, in the school parking lot. It won't be long before a crowd forms and that is the last thing I want!

"Y-you can't leave!" He paused, "Why? What's going on?" His voice was almost soft, regretful.

"I don't belong here. I never have." I met his red eyes, no doubt from all the weed he smoked.

His lips turned into a frown, "You're being ridiculous, Wren." He scoffed. "You can't just pack up your life because your feelings are hurt I mean- what about your family? Your friends-"

"Oh please. What friends?" I laughed humourlessly, glaring at him as he took a step towards me.

In the midst of all the chaos, I stood my ground. Craning my neck to look up at him.

"You've made it extremely clear that I have none." I hissed.

He stayed silent, "You've made sure I don't make any."

Pushing my glasses back onto my nose, I turn to walk away when he grabs my elbow violently. I pull it away from his grasp, taking a few steps back. 

He sucked in a breath, "Wren listen-"

"No Sebastian you listen, okay? I'm sick of you interrupting me all the time!" 

I shoved my hands into my pockets as a puddle began to pool at my feet. I knew that Florida rained a lot but I didn't think we'd be getting a storm. 

"Ever since you've come back to Edgewater, you are all anyone has talked about!" My voice cracked, "Everybody loves you." I spat, putting emphasis on the 'love'.

"If the guys aren't friends with you, they envy you. And every single girl wants to be with you." 

"Don't give me that bullshit. All I've heard over the past 4 months is how bad of a person I am. I got sent to juvie, Wren. I'm not a good guy."

"No, you're not." He looked almost taken back my reply, like no one has ever told him the truth before, "You admitted to it. I'm just agreeing." I smirked, the weight on my shoulders becoming unbearable.

He raked his hand through his wet hair, combing it back before a few pieces fell to the front of his forehead, landing in his eyes. He blinked away the wet strands and pulled his hood on.

"I've always been the loser, Sebastian. But you have gone out of your way to make sure people know that." I shivered, cursing myself for my voice faltering.

We both stared at each other. My chest was rising and falling with every breath as I tried not to cry. Sebastian looked pissed.

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