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I sucked in a shaky breath as I clasped my necklace chain around my neck.

I hit my chest before I twirled it around my thumb and forefinger, a nervous habit I've picked up.

I lifted my head, eyeing myself in the mirror as I brushed a strand of hair from my face. I applied one thin layer of lipgloss before I gave myself a pep talk.

I could hear the water running in the bathroom and heard my little brother Jack singing the Spongebob theme song. I smiled to myself, bending down to tie up the laces on my converse.

I grabbed my school bag and zipped it up, hearing my keys jingle in my pocket as I trudged down the stairs.

"Morning." My Dad yawned, nursing a cup of coffee as he waved tiredly at me.

I smirked, "Morning Dad. Wheres Michael?" I asked, glancing around for my Dad's boyfriend.

My Dad was about to open his mouth before tiny footsteps thundered down the stairs.

Jack came running into the kitchen, hugging my legs, "I'm ready for school." He said excitedly, showing me his Spiderman backpack, "You better get going kiddo." Dad smiled, kissing my head, handing me a granola bar before waving goodbye to us.

"I can't wait to see Dean and Sophie again!" Jack smiled. I watched him from the rearview mirror of my car as I drove down the narrow streets.

It was only 7am and the sun was blinding me. 

"Make sure you ask them how their summer holidays went, okay?" I reminded him, earning a toothy grin as he looked out the window.

I rounded the corner and Jack climbed out of the car without giving me the chance to say goodbye to him. I watched him go into his classroom before starting up the car. I opened my granola bar and ate it in three bites, before driving another block to the high school.

My anxiety worsened as I parked in a spare spot and stared up at the school.

It's only been 3 months and somehow I want to cry even more. 

Therapy was helping and I didn't feel scared to walk along anymore. But I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that won't go away.

"Hello!" I heard from beside me.

I screamed before I realised Lacey had hopped into my car, "You look so good." She squealed, clapping her hands.

I did a once-over, admiring her tight black jeans, blue crop-top and white filas, "You look like an instagram model." I smiled, "I'll take that as a compliment." She winked.

As I calmed my nerves, Lacey applied one last coat of lipgloss before squeezing my hand, "Class starts in 5. We have to go babe."

I adjusted the grey beige cardigan around my neck and hopped out of the car, hearing it lock before walking alongside Lacey.

A few people stared, a few whispered. I just ignored them, mostly.

Although it wasn't as bad as it used to be, I could feel the fear creeping up to the back of my throat.

The old Wren, with this black rimmed glasses, braces, acne. I remembered how weak I felt when everyone at this school picked on me for being me.

My Dad wanted to pull me out of school. But I told him that it wouldn't bring me any satisfaction.

I just sucked it up and moved on with my life.

I've blocked out most of my memories, well- tried to at least. But every now and then they come creeping back up.

"Earth to Wren?" I heard. I blinked, jumping slightly as Lacey clicked her fingers in front of my face, "Hmm?" I hummed, trying to remember what she just said, "I said, are you ready for English. Mr Spitzer is not going to be nice to us this year." Lacey groaned, stomping her feet.

I rolled my eyes, "You're so dramatic." I smirked, pulling her arm into our English class.

+ + +

"Oh my God. I feel like I'm about to fall asleep in my macaroni." Lacey yawned, pushing her tray away. I nodded, agreeing with her statement as I pushed my fork around the mushy cheese, "I feel that. I'm so tired, and schools not even over yet!"

Lacey put her foot on the chair, adjusting her anklet, "I don't understand why they give us homework on the first day. Why, just why!" She pouted, glaring at the stacks of papers she has piling up in her binder.

"I'm going to get some sauce, do you want any?" I changed the subject.

She nodded and leaned her head on her palm.

I stood up, pulling my dress down as I grabbed my loose change, making my way to the cafeteria counter.

It was extremely loud and there was already crumbs on the floor as I stepped over spills, trying not to get my white shoes dirty.

"Just two barbecue sauces please."

The lady smiled, counting my change before handing me the sauce packets.

I thanked her and walked back to my table, laughing at my best friend who was currently stabbing her macaroni with her broken spork.

"... No dude I swear, she had a huge rack. And an ass for days, I couldn't believe it." Billy Connolly laughed, his stupid horse laugh echoing through the cafeteria.

I scoffed, accidentally catching his attention.

"Got something to say lesbian?"

I huffed, annoyed at my nickname. JUST because my Dad's are Gay, doesn't mean I am.

"Do us all a favour and keep eating your food Billy. No one wants to hear you speak." I said to him, pushing past his group of friends as they all laugh, "You got roasted by a girl." She say.

"Ah yes, sexism as it's finest." Lacey added, patting me on the shoulder, "It's Billy Connolly and Mitchel West, what do you expect?" 

I chucked her sauce packet on her plate and continued to eat, my appetite ruined by the smell of B.O. and boys.

+ + +

hi all!

I just thought id quickly point out that; yes, Wrens parent is Gay. if you don't support LGBTQ+ please don't continue reading as there will be talk of it.

love u all.

- a. x

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