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"Are you busy tonight?" Lacey suddenly asked me, placing her American History book down and looking at me intently, "Not sure, why?" I asked, "Because there's a party at Garett Andersons house and its an open invite, apparently his parents are out of town for the weekend." She wiggled her eyebrows, hinting that she wanted me to go.

"Do you want me to go, or be your designated driver?" I quirked an eyebrow, seeing her lips turn up into a smirk, "Both. Seriously, I want you to have fun. All you do is sleep and-"

"Cry." I finished her sentence, earning a laugh from both of us.

"Exactly. You need to let loose." 

I nodded, "Okay fine, but I'm not drinking." 

Lacey gave me the thumbs up, "Deal!"

As I went back to studying my American History paper, my phone buzzed with a text.

Lacey: what about pot brownies?? ;)

+ + + 

I got home a little after 3 before dropping Lacey off and picking up Jack. 

"Hey Dad, are we busy tonight?" I asked, grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter as my Dad squinted at the recipe book, "No, why?" He asked.

"Lacey invited me to a party and I wanna go." I shrugged, the crunch of the apple causing my Dad to turn his head at me, "Sure, that's fine. Who's party is it?"

"Garett Anderson? Your friends with his Mom on Facebook."

Dad nodded, "Oh yeah, his mothers got the weird mole right?"

I snorted, picking up the recipe book from my Dad, "It says one cup of diced onion, Dad." 

He folded his glasses and sighed, "I swear, you'd think for 46 I'd still be able to see." He frowned, "You're not that old..." I teased.

He glared at me just as Michael walked in the door, "Wren's going to a party tonight." Dad gushed, Michael smiled, "Good. Hook up with some boys." 

My Dad slapped his chest and rolled his eyes, pointing at me with a chopstick, "Do not do that." 

My stomach hurt from laughing, "I won't be, don't worry!'

As I made a beeline to my room, I heard my Dad call out, "And tell Lacey to wash the smell of weed off her clothes before she comes over!"

I flopped onto my bed, closing my eyes briefly as my smile turned into a frown.

I lifted my head, pulling the finger at the mountain of homework displayed on my desk.

+ + + 

"I'm leaving." I called out, going down the steps two at a time as my keys jingled in my hand.

"Okay have fun! Be safe and call us if you need too okay?" Michael waved from the dinner table, winking at me subtly.

"Bye sissy!" Jack smiled with a mouth full of spaghetti.

As soon as I got out the door I was met with fresh air as I drove the block to Laceys' house, who excitedly jumped in my car and blasted Hannah Montana on the aux cord.

"I might be mistaken, but we look so good right now." Lacey laughed, taking a video of us on her instagram story. I smiled at her as she mouthed the words.

She wasn't wrong though, it took me almost a half hour to pick my outfit. My floor is a mess! But I finally settled on off-white pants, black converse, a brown crop-top and a red hoodie.

Lacey screamed at me over Facetime to match gold-hoops with her, so that's why I look like a gangster.

Lacey screamed at me over Facetime to match gold-hoops with her, so that's why I look like a gangster

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My phone buzzed as I saw a message,

Laceygirlxo: tagged you in a post on instagram.

I ignored it for now and locked my car, slipping my phone into my back pocket before we walked into the house.

It was already so loud and the living room smelt like weed and vanilla!

The couches were pushed back against the wall and the TV was playing a Spotify playlist, whilst the kitchen had been turned into a bar. With buckets of ice holding spirits, beer and an array of tequilas and other fancy alcohol.

I rolled on the balls of my face, turning to Lacey who was already off talking to someone from our Spanish class.

I grabbed a red solo cup from the bench and filled it with water from the tap. I don't want to taker any chances.

"Wren, get over here!" Lacey waved, calling me over.

I handed her a whiskey and coke before looping my arm around her shoulder.

She talked about some new Gucci bag that was coming out while I zoned out.

I felt a hand grip my waist tightly and my mind went fuzzy, "Wren, are you okay? What are drinking?" Lacey said, sipping my drink, "Water? What the hell?"

Her voice was fading in and out as I blinked, stuttering.

"What are you saying?" 

I pointed to a person who was perched on the edge of the armchair, staring straight at us.

Laceys' eyes widened and she pulled my hand into the hallway.

I felt a sting on my cheek as I snapped back into reality, "Ow." I frowned, realising Lacey had just slapped me.

"But thank you." I breathed in, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, "What the hell is he doing here? He's not supposed to be back until next week. Oh my God! Lacey!" I panicked.

Lacey held my arms and stared at me, "He got out on good behaviour last week. I've been meaning to find a way to tell you but I guess now I don't have too. Uh- surprise." She said sheepishly, glancing around.

I glared at her before sighing. I rubbed my temples, "No you're ruining your makeup." She fretted.

"Okay- lets just go back out there and pretend we don't see him." I nodded. 

Laceys eyes were wide, "Too late."

"He's coming over here?" I whisper shouted, she nodded.

"What do we do?" I hiss.

"Do we pretend to make-out?" Lacey blurted out.

I stared at her, "Seriously?" 

"What, it's just a suggestion." She pouted.

"Where is he?" I ask, she looks slightly to her left, "He's talking to Billy." I scoff, "Of course. Come on, outside."

We sneak through the back sliding door and end up in Garetts' backyard, where half naked people are hanging in the hot tub.

Bright lights are flashing as music pumps through my ears. I breath in softly until I feel eyes on me.

+ + + 



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