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I listened in on the conversation Billy and Jarvis were having, but it was hard to concentrate web I was distracted by other things.

It was lunch time now, and these two idiots were talking about some cheerleader at a football game they went too. I rolled my eyes.

Horny, touch-deprived teenagers!

My eyes subtly fluttered to Wren. She was sitting at the back of the cafeteria with Lacey. They were smiling, laughing about something.

I sighed. I don't know why I feel like shit. I know Wren was right when she said I was a horrible person, but it's starting to get to me now.

"So dude? You gonna go to the party?" Billy said, turning his attention to me.

I snapped my vision away from Wren and back to him, "Uh, when is it?" I asked, "Tonight or tomorrow, I don't know."

"Sure, who's hosting?"

"Holmes. His parents are at their cabin for their anniversary so he's throwing a massive rager." Billy smirked, "You know what that means. Girls and free booze!" Billy shouted, smacking Jarvis on the back.

I grimaced, Billy was dirty. He really was. I'm only hanging with him because my old friends can stand to be near me now.

Maybe they really did change.

"Oh shit dude, look." Jarvis said, pointing in my direction.

I followed to where he was pointing and saw Garett and his friend Bryce sit down next to Wren and Lacey.

Wren smiled as Garett kissed her cheek. My fists balled at my sides as I felt a surge of... jealousy? 

"Oh shit, Andersons really going for it, huh?" Jarvis said.

"To be fair, who wouldn't want a piece of that ass. Girl is packing dude, I tell ya!" Billy laughed manically, rubbing his hands together.

"Hands to yourself man, don't be weird." I told him, eyeing them both.

They seemed close. Wren leaned into Garett and laughed at something he said.

"Is that your girl Littler, no wonder you keep staring at her." Billy joked.

"She's not my girl." I replied, earning a look from both Billy and Jarvis.

As the bell rang signally the end of lunch, I got up and swung my bag over my shoulder, ready to head to the gym for basketball.

"You guys coming today? Coach will have your asses if you don't show up today." I said.

Billy shrugged, "I don't know. I might. I got a new stash though so I'm thinking after school if you guys are down, we go to the river and smoke a little." He wiggled his eyebrows at us and pulled out a small pouch from his pocket.

My eyes widened and I slapped his wrist, "Put that shit away dude. I'm still on probation." I said, glancing around the cafe.

"Chill out man, jeez." Billy said, putting the pouch back in his pocket.

As we were leaving, I heard hushed voices that almost sounded like arguing. I turned my head, seeing Garett and Wren having what looked like a fight.

I stopped for a moment, seeing her mouth open and then he rolled his eyes.

She flailed her arms around and I saw a white bandage wrapped around her wrist.

My stomach dropped a little as I realised that I did that, "What the hell are you doing? Come on dude." Billy called for me, "Yeah." I mumbled.

Just as I left, I saw Garett grip Wren's wrists and they walked out of my sight.

What the hell?

+ + + 

Sweat was dripping down my face as I finished up my gym class.

I grabbed my back from the cubby and headed out the doors, feeling fresh air bless me as I breathed it in. 

I headed straight to the showers, nodding at my friends who were changing over classes.

I saw my old friends Tyler and Robbie talking amongst themselves quietly as I headed in their direction. They looked at me quickly before looking away and continued their conversation.

"What are you two talking about? Your porno?" I smirked, stopping in front of them.

I looked over them as they were a little shorter than me.

Tyler rolled his eyes and closed his locker, "Nothing man, stay out of it." He said.

"Were you talking about me?"

They stayed silent, "Bingo. So you were talking about me? Come on then, what's the new gossip for today?" I grinned, seeing them both glance at each other.

"Seriously dude, it's nothing."

"Well obviously it's something if it's about me."

I noticed Robbie had his phone lit up in his hands and I peered onto the screen, my mouth going dry as I read the title.

Family man turned felon;

Colin Littler was a lawyer who defended criminals against there charges. And two weeks ago today, he was filed a 10 year sentence for money laundering and theft...

"My Dad huh?" I scoffed, "Look man- we were just-"

"You were just talking about how bad my family is. How rich and incompetent we are? Yeah, I get it. But say it my face next time will you." I threatened, both of their eyes widening as I took a step back, straightening out my posture.

"We never said that." They defended.

"You were thinking it." I said.

"Leave them alone, Sebastian. Go shower, you reek." A new voice said.

I turned around, see Wren who was standing behind me with her books piled in her arms.

I looked her up and down. Ripped denim jeans, her signature converse, a grey hoodie. Cute.

"Stay out of this, Thomas. It's none of your business." I spat, seeing her eyes widen.

I pushed past them and rounded the corner, leaning my head against the lockers.

Everyone had cleared out of the hall now as class had started, and I realised I needed to hurry my ass up before I got detention.

I heard voices talking, and Wren's voice filtered through my ears.

"- We didn't even say anything." Robbie said, annoyed.

"I know. But guys, seriously. You were his best friend and now you're talking about him behind his back? About his Dad especially, low blow." She told them.

Tyler scoffed, "He talks shit about you behind your back all the time, I bet you'd love to hear everything he says about you." 

I grit my teeth, "I don't care what he says about me. Look, I know Sebastian can be a- dick. But once upon a time, he was a good guy who fell into the wrong crowd. You two should know this. And his Dad- not a good idea."

Wren walked straight past me, her hair flowing behind as I stood up straight.

I was shocked.

Did Wren Littler just stand up for me?

+ + + 

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