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I made sure my lungs filled with air before I turned around, flipping my straight hair over my shoulder.

My knees felt weak as I locked eyes with Sebastian Littler.

He had a small smirk on his face as he eyed me up and down.

It didn't go unnoticed that a leather jacket was perched on his shoulders as his legs were clad in black jeans, paired with a white shirt and a fabric belt.

I scoffed at the choice of shoe and realised we were both wearing converse.

Now I have to throw mine out!

"Lacey." Sebastian acknowledged. Lacey glared at me, cupping her mouth as she leaned to whisper in my ear.

"His flys undone." 

I looked down just enough to see that she correct and laughed a little, earning a confused head tilt from Sebastian.

"Long time no see, huh." He announced, hands in his pockets as he looked directly at me.

"Yeah, how was juvie? I hear prison food has lots of carbs." I mocked, his stare turning evil, "Since it you were the one who put me there-"

"Before you speak, once again, it wasn't me. I, in fact, have no idea who called the cops. All I know is, when you were taken away, they tasered me and held me in a cell for 24 hours until they forced me to tell them who sold weed to eighth graders. And in my defence, I didn't know that was you!"

I held my hands up in surrender as Lacey placed a piece of peppermint gum in her mouth, chewing anxiously as she looked between Sebastian and I.

"Well you got confident." He smirked, I shrugged, "I realised I didn't need to be insecure. Look at me." I bit my lip, dragging my hands down my outfit.

"Oh trust me, I am." His eyes lingered a little longer on my boobs before Lacey clicked a finger in his face, "Look, Sebastian. It's great to have you back, I'm sure everyone in school will be thrilled to know that they're king is back ruling the school. But we-" Lacey said, pointing between her and I, "Don't care that much. So, if you'll excuse us, we'll be off. Talking to more- important people. Toodles."

"By the way Mr Cool guy, your flys' undone." I smirked, "Why're you looking?" He shot back, "Okay, don't believe me!" I called out to him, following closely behind Lacey.

Lacey looped an arm through mine as she dragged me back into the house, "I can't believe I ever dated him." She laughed.

+ + + 

The party had died down around 1am as people began to leave.

Lacey ran off with some guy upstairs as I cruised on the couch, scrolling through instagram waiting for her to come down. My eyelids were heavy as I tried to stay awake. 

"You're still here?" A voice said. I looked up through my tired eyelids to see an equally tired Garett. I nodded, "My friend is upstairs with your friend. I didn't want to intrude." I smiled.

He nodded, "Ah, gotcha!"

My phone buzzed and it piqued my interest, hoping it was a message from Lacey saying we could go home, but nope!

SebLittler1: started following you on instagram.

My mouth fell open. I clicked on his profile and scoffed.

Of course he has 4,000 followers. Someone like him would. I looked through his pictures. Heaps of him from freshman year, basketball.

I clicked on the most recent one.

It was a silhouette of him in the sunset. I cringed at the caption, 'good to be home'.

"That was the day I got home." I heard a voice over my shoulder.

I didn't need to look at the person to know who it was.

I switched my phone off, "Your nose looks weird."

I stood up, grabbing a trash bag as I smiled at Garett who looked at me thankfully.

"You're a lifesaver Wren, you really are." Garett said, rushing into the other room to pick up littered cups.

"Wow, people know your name now." Sebastian said. I could hear the smirk on his face as my blood boiled.

I ignored him, using my arm to swing a bunch of cups into the plastic bag.

"You know, you surprised me. I was expecting to come home to you being gone."

I stilled, "What do you mean gone, Sebastian? The last I checked, you were the one who was gone, for the last 3 years." I scoffed, "You told me you were moving to Tallahassee. We're still in Miami." 

I tied the top of the bag and threw it with the others, "Well I decided not too. Because I'm not a coward." I challenged him.

His eyes were already on me as I turned to face him.

"You've changed, Wren. You're not chubby Wren with glasses and no friends anymore." 

I swallowed the bubble in my throat, "You're hot." He said quieter, his hand reaching out.

I slapped his hand away, "I know I'm hot. I worked damn hard on this body. So look all you want, because you are never, touching me ever again." I hissed, glaring at him one last time before storming into the other room.

+ + + 

By the time I had quietly walked into my house and into my room, I was exhausted.

I managed to wash my face and change into my pjammas, but that's it.

I set a timer for earlier so I could shower before climbing into bed.

I felt instantly relaxed as I plugged in my phone.

The screen lit up and I caught a quick glance at the screen before it turned black again.

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

I scoffed, is this guy a stalker? 

I snatched my phone from the bedside table and turned off the notifications as the constant vibration annoyed me.

SebLittler1 like your instagram post

I huffed out loud.

Clicking onto his instagram, I went to his direct messages and typed a friendly message.

WrenT: stop liking all my photos, u creep!!

SebLittler1: good to know I have ur attention ;)

WrenT: ur so frustrating!!

SebLittler1: srsly tho, how did u get THAT hot in 3 yrs?? did ur dads pay for plastic surgery?

I left him on read before completely going silent on my phone.

God I hate him!

How dare he? Honestly!

+ + + 


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