where it all started

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Okie lil heads up before I start this lol Mary is not going to have the personality she does in kakegurui lol I'm just using her name because I literally cannot think of any other name and also because I simp for her???? also Mary a third-year lol



Mary was expecting the Kiyoko and boys volleyball team to talk about cheerleading since well... the boys could use it idk lmfao and Kiyoko thought of the idea as she is close friends with Mary and the dance team.

As the volleyball team was pulling up yuhh y/n was clearing her head and just dancing 💃 🕺 she wasn't perfect but dancing was one thing she knew she was good at as you should lol.
Mary was watching her best friend dance as it was so beautiful and surreal to watch, Mary also dances which is why she's the captain of the dance team???

Kiyoko and the boys volleyball team finally had arrived at Karasuno's dance studio right at the door where Mary had greeted them, she hugged Kiyoko and introduced herself to the team.


"Hey! I'm Saotome, Mary, I'm the captain of the dance team" I greeted smiling, slowly looking into the studio window at y/n who still has no idea that we have "visitors".

"Mary, this is the boys volleyball team that I manage" Kiyoko continued as she turned around "Boys, this is Mary" the was a pause "She's going to help us set up a cheerleading team for you guys! since well... every school is setting up one" she finished excitedly.

"Hey now" I smiled pausing "You came up with this idea!" I stated.
I heard a mumble from two boys one bald and one with spikey hair it was something along the lines of how Kiyoko was the best manager they simping or whatever 🙄

"Sawamura, Daichi captain of the boys volleyball team" a guy that was a little taller than me declared "you can call me Daichi" as he finished his sentence I shook his hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Daichi" I paused "You can call me Mary by the way" I said smiling walking into the studio as I paused and took a glance at the boys "Are you just gonna stand there" I said jokingly while letting out a little giggle. The boys smiled and followed we walked into the main dance area where y/n was dancing but froze as she saw some new faces.


I was dancing in the studio just warming up for practice later, I heard some footsteps but I just thought it was the dance team so I thought nothing of it and just continued to dance.
I saw Mary leading the way with tall boys and a pretty girl that was definitely familiar and so I just froze while trying to figure out what was happening.

I let out a little giggle while covering my mouth straight after 🤭 <— like that but less cringe

"Mary? I had no idea we had visitors" I questioned for a genuine answer.

"yes you did BAKA" as she approached me flicking my forehead "didn't I tell you about the cheerleading thing yesterday?" she questioned me.

"I thought that was just an idea" I stated.

"no!" as Mary flicked my forehead again as she walked back to Daichi and Kiyoko to talk.

Well literally two seconds into meeting the volleyball team I had made a fool of myself.

"I'm f/n I guess" I stated awkwardly as I scratched the back of my head standing there alone "Anyway!" I exclaimed while trying to continue but got interrupted by an orange-haired thing THING??? THING?????? BYE IM KEEPING THIS HERE IM BYE

"OMG OMG OMG" he screamed approaching me while continuing"AM I? AM I TALLER THAN YOU?!!!!"

"no!" I scoffed crossing my hands.

"OH? HOW TALL ARE YOU?!" he said jumping up and down.

"160cm (5'2)" I said with no tone.

"OH? SO I AM TALLER THAN YOU!!!" he said jumping up and down once more before being hit in the head by a slightly.. no very tall angry-looking person.

"STOP THAT BOKE" he yelled at the carrot top holding carrot top's whole head under his hand as he caused carrot top to fall onto the ground.
I let out a little giggle before he got up and apologised.

"Sorry" he apologised brushing his knees off and continued "I just never meet people shorter than me that often" he finished.

"Woah Woah Woah" I giggled "you're only... a few inches taller than me... it's not really that big of a deal but you don't need to apologise" I replied smiling.

"RIGHT?" a completely different person agreed who was probably the same height as me. I nodded because I already said what I needed to say and if I said more this conversation would NOT come to an end. rip not y/n NODDING BYE trust the process teehee

"I'm Nishinoya, Yu by the way" he smiled.

"I-" before I could say anything carrot top interrupted me for like the 100th time today.

"I'm Hinata, Shoyo" and he just bowed.

The dark-haired, scary-looking tall boy man whatever saw that is teammates were introducing themselves and just blurted out "Kageyama, Tobio" and bowed.

I looked over to Mary who saw I was in a weird place because they didn't stop bowing while this dumbass Mary just laughed at me, while she was laughing at me her giggling and snickering caught Daichi's attention and he told them to stop bowing seriously but then let out a giggle. Soon I just left that because what the fuck 😀 and approached Mary, Kiyoko and the rest of the boys, they soon all introduced themselves yeah we are not going through a whole introduction thingy because if I did I'd be here forever yuh.

I smiled "It's very nice to meet all of you, I'm looking forward to having at our practice this afternoon and showing you our dance routines and so much more!" I said excitedly.


Okie this chapter is kinda fat but yes this will go on the next chapter lol you will get to know y/n and Mary a little more and idk should I give Mary a love interest bc idk I kinda want to lol anyway thank you for reading this???? I really hope you like this as much as I do lol and don't be afraid to give me feedback bc I will take it!

dance! • y. nishinoya x reader lol حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن