Truth be told (Chapter 3 part 3)

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We finally got out of the dressing room Hina let out a joyful shout.

Aoi: Isn't it awesome!? I ended up doing something totally awesome, right!?

And right around our dear principal appeared.

Monokuma: Dun da-da duuun! Hina has gained enough experience to level up! So... what was this awesome something? You guys all seem remarkably good spirits. Did something happen!?

Makoto: N-No, nothing in particular...!

Monokuma: Ooh, keeping secrets? No fair! I demand an exclusive interview!

Hifumi: Denied, denied, super denied!  

Aoi: Y-Yeah, just because you demand something, doesn't mean we have to do it! 

Monokuma: Do it...? You mean, like, "do it" do it? 

Asu: What are you even talking about?

Aoi: Wait a minute, What? What do you mean, *do it* do it?

Monokuma: Ewww, gross! You said "do it"!

Aoi: What!? You said it first! 

Celeste: We were just talking about going ot the bathhouse. We have not had the chance to relax in some time. 

Monokuma: Huh?

Celeste: But unfortunately, the bathhouse is not divided into men and woman sections. So we decided to do rock-paper-scissors to decide which group would go first. Hina won the match for us, and that is why we are all so pleased. 

Aoi: Y-Yeah, that's right! Speaking of which... Okay, boys! Why don't you head on back to the dinning hall or something? We're gonna take a nice, long bath! 

Yasuhiro: Ahhh, jeez, what're ya gonna do, right!? We lost, fair and square!

Celeste: Well, ladies? Shall we go?

Asu: I sure look forward to it. After all we all had a pretty big day searching the school.

*Timeskip to after in the dinning hall*

Aoi: Ahhh, man what a nice bath! 

Celeste: Getting a chance to stretch out and relax after all this time was a true pleasure. 

Kyoko: Indeed.

Sakura: Normally, after a long bath I like to make myself a nice protein coffee, but...

Monokuma: Sorry, no time for that!

Sakura: That's what I figured...

Monokuma: Huh?

Celeste: We were just saying in the bath how it was about time for you to get up to something. 

Kyoko: After seeing how happy we werem an evil little monster like you would never let that last for long.

Asu: It would be too good to be true. 

Monokuma: Y-You're all so terrible to me...  *sniffle sniffle* Everyone's so cold and mean! Even after I got presents for you all! 

Makoto: Presents!? 

Monokuma: Hmmm? Oh, have I got your attention? Puhuhuhu. Then let's head to the gym, where your presents await! No questions, no dilly-dallying! Get a move on, and everything will become clear!

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