Truth be told (Chapter 3 Final part)

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The trial had went easily and smoothly... Hifumi was found guilty of killing Taka and almost doing the same for Asu. He was executed, but the motive was never revealed. Monokuma stated that "he never precised which trial". 

It was 3 a.m. in the morning and Asu was awake. Although her troat hurt a lot and her voice sound a bit temepered. She was overall fine. She had a concussion, but that was nothing compare to what happen to Taka. She was sitting up in bed lost in her thoughts when his voice brought her back. 

Monokuma: Sheesh he really almost got you did he! That motive really got him turned on! So I believe you remember everything now. 

I ignored him, I knew everything, or more I remembered everything, but I didn't want to... 

Monokuma: Ah come on girlfriend we used to be best friend don't give me the silent treatment. 

I ignored him this couldn't be true. 

Monokuma: It seems you have fallen in the despair of truth, what do you think will happen next. 

I looked at him. 

Asu: If you think I'll let you get away that easily with it, you're wrong, I'll help them escape your claws, even if it kills me. 

Monokuma: PUHUHUHU, didn't expect anything less from you Athea Kirgiri.

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