Chapter 18: Night at Tofu's Town

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CHAPTER 18: Night at Tofu's Town

Sana was in a new series of unfortunate events.

It was raining so hard, her hand gripping the steering wheel as her foot pressed the gas. Yes, she was driving her car alone since her driver called in sick just like Lia. The street was dark and quiet for it was already 11 PM, which meant that Sana was basically alone in the middle of an empty road.

And just her luck, the car's engine stopped abruptly.

“Are you kidding me, right now?” she said to no one, running her hands through her hair as her eyes darted to the dark road in front her. It scared Sana slightly, especially with the heavy rain adding some spooky effects.

Sana didn't know what to do anymore. There was also no point in grabbing her phone to call someone, or a cab since she knew it was probably dead.

So for short, she was doomed.

The brunette moved her neck to look around, only to be met with stores that were already closed. It wasn't even midnight yet? Why did they close too early?

But then she squinted her eyes when she saw something. A light. It looked like it was coming from an establishment that was about 12 feet away from where she was. Not really wanting to stay inside her car 'til sunlight, she decided to walk towards the said place, following the light and she didn't care if she was soaked from the rain.

When she got a lot closer, her mouth immediately turned upwards as she realized that it was a clinic. A vet clinic, and Sana wasn't dumb. She knew exactly who owned the place as soon as she read the sign written on the front. ‘Tofu's Town’ with a logo that says ‘ㅜㅜ’

She couldn't help but let out a giggle. The name was just so adorable and very suitable for a vet clinic. But she was also confused as to why the girl's clinic was still open? Since she was really wet, she didn't let herself in. Instead, she knocked on the glass door.

Sana exhaled in relief when she saw Dahyun shuffling towards to open the door.

“Sana unnie?”

The raven haired girl was still wearing her scrubs, which Sana thought was really cute and hot at the same time.

Wait. Hot?

You're allowed to think that your ex was hot, right?

Sana brushes that thought off then smiled at Dahyun. “I– um, help?”

Dahyun moved aside so the soaked girl could let herself in. And when she did, a Shiba Inu ran towards the brunette then started sniffing her. The dog seemed really friendly and adorable, so Sana didn't mind.

“Tofu, I told you to stay with our patient.” Dahyun commanded, but the dog didn't dare to move, instead he just sat down, staring at the wet brunette. “I am sorry about him.”

“No, it's cool. He's adorable.” Sana spoke, hugging herself as she shivered from the cold.

Dahyun stood still for a moment, before pulling out of her trance. She clasped her hands together, “You– you are wet.” she pointed out the obvious, “Stay here. I would get my spare clothes so you could change.”

Sana nodded as Dahyun left the room with Tofu on her tail. She was really grateful that she found Dahyun's clinic, but also curious. Why was it still open?

The younger girl came back with a folded black sweater and a grey sweatpants in her hands. She offered it to the brunette, “There's a bathroom over there,” Dahyun nodded her head towards a door. “You can change in there.”

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