Chapter 4: Fifth Grade Field Trip

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CHAPTER 4: Fifth Grade Field Trip

“Kiss me.”

Dahyun closed her locker then frowned when she came face to face with a strawberry blonde haired girl who was wearing a cheer uniform. She glanced at her back to see if there was anyone there, then at the girl. “Are you talking to me?”

The girl nodded enthusiastically then grinned, “Yes. Kiss me.”

Dahyun's face remained expressionless, “No. Thank you.” she said, adjusting her bag from her shoulder then started to walk to her next class, leaving the cheerleader alone.

“Wait!” the girl ran up to her then gripped her arm, “walk with me.”

“I don't want to.” Dahyun replied nonchalantly as if she really doesn't care if she hurt the girl's feelings as she removed the girl's hand away from her arm.


“I don't know you.” she answered before turning left as she walked, the cheerleader trailing behind.

“Well, I'm Park Chaeyoung, but you can call me Rosé.”

Dahyun nodded uninterestedly. She had no clue why this girl was talking to her all of a sudden since she looked like one of those girls who loved to squeal at almost*everything* they think was cute. One Chaeyoung was enough.

“What's your name?”

“I am Kim Dahyun.” remembering what her doctor told her, she tried to be polite even though the girl was making her uncomfortable.

“Cute name for a cute girl.”

Dahyun just smiled at the compliment. Maybe this girl was nice after all. Maybe she can be a new friend.

That thought was immediately thrown away when the cheerleader linked their arms together. It reminded her of a certain brunette.

She preferred it when it's with Sana.

“Please do not do that.”


“You're clinging onto my arm. It–it hurts.” Dahyun trailed off.

Rosé ignored the girl. She thought that she was just playing hard to get.

Definitely her type.

So she tightened her hold.

Dahyun suddenly stopped walking as she forcefully detached the girl's arms away from hers.

“I-I told you to stop. Why won't you stop– You–you are making me uncomfortable.” Dahyun raised her voice, earning a few stares from the other students.

“Come on, it's not like–”

“What's going on here?”

A soft alluring voice intervened, which made the pale girl sigh in relief.

“Minatozaki Sana.” Rosé spat out.

“Park Chaeyoung.” Sana returned then stared with venom evident on her eyes.

“I'm Kim Dahyun.” Dahyun joined in with a small voice.

Rosé squealed then pinched Dahyun's cheeks, “Oh, my gosh! You are so cute!

And then everything for Dahyun stopped. She hated it when someone touches her face without her permission. She slapped the girl's hand as she backed away. “No! I– I told you to stop touching me! Why– why won't you– why– please–just–
stop–stop–it hurts! It*hurts*!”

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