K A B A N A T A 6

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It feels like something lodged itself in my throat because of what I said. I'm not sure what's going through my mind, and I find myself speaking out of turn.

Leo clearly paused at my words. He swallowed a few times before standing up and leaving his seat. I sighed.

This darn mouth of mine!

I rolled my eyes into the void before finally deciding to stand and leave because more students were starting to arrive.

Embarrassed by what happened with Leo and me, I lingered in the bathroom for a while. There weren't many people here, just three girls who seemed almost ready to shatter the mirrors with their expressions. Lipstick here, lipstick there, it was like they were about to devour it. What's even more irritating is that their faces and necks no longer match due to the foundation on their faces. Tsk! I just shook my head and went to the bathroom to pee.

As soon as I stepped out, rudeness greeted me.

"He's so handsome, isn't he?" A snarky question from one of the girls holding a picture and showing it to her two companions. I just rolled my eyes again. As I was about to leave, I raised an eyebrow when I realized who was in the photo.

"Ugh! I bet his lips are so soft. Ahhhhh!" they exclaimed loudly, annoying me. I snatched the picture from them and tore it up. They looked at me, mouths agape, clearly not expecting my reaction.

"Go to the Prefect of Discipline! Desire and carrying a picture are both Major Offenses and are prohibited. How did you manage to slip past the guard? Tsk! You're such hypocrites!" They just bowed their heads in apology before leaving. They were obviously freshmen, but lusting after Leo like that!

Why am I even thinking about that guy? Maybe I got mad because those girls were out of line, or maybe...


"Class dismissed."

Our teacher left as the bell rang, signaling RECESS!

I quickly joined my friends waiting outside. I packed my things and put them in my bag.

"Ugh! So slow, you know we might run out of twisted bread and rice cake, you know how greedy people are!" Isaiah exclaimed loudly, clearly targeting someone. I shook my head.

My eyebrows shot up when I noticed Leo Xavier Adviento. Why was he with my friends? I gave him a glare and quickly pulled Isaiah away, afraid there might be trouble brewing between him and Larnie.

When we reached the canteen, Ezekiel and Isaiah immediately ran off upon seeing that there were still twisted bread and rice cakes left. So, it ended up just being the three of us-Leo, Genesis, and me.

"What's he doing here?" I whispered to Genesis, turning my gaze to Leo. He wasn't looking at me, lost in thought, hardly blinking.

"He wants to eat with you," I raised my eyebrows at his response. And what's with this guy's words?

"Calm down, he might kiss you," he said with a grin, looking away.

"He's mine!" I exclaimed angrily as Isaiah snatched the twisted bread he bought. We each had one twisted bread, one rice cake. Ever since seventh grade, the four of us have loved twisted bread. It's delicious because it's so sweet. They melt brown sugar and put it inside the twisted bread. While the rice cakes are made from crushed cassava or rice, sometimes rice, but I prefer cassava. Inside, there's coconut filling, which makes the rice cake even more delicious.

I just smirked as he took a bite of the twisted bread without even chewing.

"Seriously, I might have blabbered earlier, but look at how greedy you are!" Ezekiel chuckled. Because of what Isaiah did. Sai just looked at Zek and then continued eating.

I glanced at Leo, who had been silent the whole time, quietly eating. He seemed out of place amidst the nonsense of my two bickering friends. We even caught the attention of other students and even the teachers and working committee members assigned to keep the school canteen in order.

I avoided his gaze because he was looking at me. I gulped because of his presence. I shouldn't have looked at him to avoid drawing his attention.

"You want a..." he furrowed his brow, as if unsure of what to offer. Well, he's wealthy and doesn't eat these kinds of things.

"Yeah, I want twisted bread," I said, grabbing one from him. I quickly took a bite. I didn't care what my friends thought; they were still arguing.

I took another bite and chewed it. I glanced at Leo, who was silently watching me eat. I just shrugged it off. Why was he here with my friends?

"Why?" I asked, curious.

"He wants to eat with you," Genesis said with raised eyebrows. And then what did he mean by that?

"Is he okay with being left here?" I asked.

"I'm okay, you can follow your friends," he said in a sad voice. How could I leave him here if I could hear it in his voice that he didn't want to be left alone?

"I'll eat what you're offering!" I responded. I took his plate and ate the food on it. I didn't touch the twisted bread first because I wanted it last; it's tastier than the rice cake.

"Ahh..." I said, then opened my mouth. He fed me, and we laughed sometimes because the sweet filling would stick to the corner of his lips. He fed me in return, and annoyingly, he deliberately smeared the sweet filling of the twisted bread on my cheek. It was sticky and annoying, and I wiped it off.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked irritably when I saw.

"You're so cute!" he said with a smile, pinching my cheek. I was surprised by what he did, but it seemed like it was nothing to him. My face felt hot, and I felt like a pimple about to burst. Gross. A pimple indeed, maybe a tomato.

"Cute? I'm beautiful, aren't I!" I said, playfully hitting his arm. I felt green, though!

"Ok, you're the most beautiful in the world and to my eyes," he said with a smile. My gosh, I felt like I was going to faint.

All I heard was, "Thank you, Yvan, you made me happy this time," because the bell rang loudly and I couldn't hear him anymore because of the noise.

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