Soon the three were jumping from one snack stall to another. Youngjae grumbled as he lost against a street magician while Hwall and Haknyeon had fun laughing at him. 

"At least, I didn't bet anything like Joonyoung hyung." He grumbled.

Haknyeon and Youngjae had to drag Hwall away from the rabbit pen as he won't stop petting the babies. Hwall begged to stay for just a bit more.

"You've been baby-talking to that rabbit for over half an hour now." Youngjae said. Hwall pouted sadly.

"Ok, maybe just another 5 minutes." Haknyeon said and let go of Hwall who ran back to the rabbits happily.  

Then they 'accidentally' stumbled into a gambling den. It was pretty harmless, according to Youngjae.

"How would you know?" Hwall asked suspiciously. 

"Gut feeling." Youngjae replied. Haknyeon and Hwall glanced at each other.

"We're gonna have to run, aren't we?" Hwall said to which Haknyeon nodded. 

Almost half an hour later, the three were running as fast as they can with angry men chasing them. 

"I'm gonna KILL YOU! SOHN YOUNGJAE!" Hwall yelled out. Youngjae and Haknyeon laughed out loud.

They ran and ran until they got to a dead end. They glanced around, finding no exit. The sound of the men were getting near. 

"Come on. Up." Youngjae said, bending down on one knee and cupping his hands. Haknyeon and Hwall nodded as they jumped onto Youngjae's hands and up the roof. Youngjae jumped up with a kick on the wall with ease. Then they crouched down on the other side of the roof and peeked down. 

"Where the hell are they!? Search the area! They shouldn't have played if they didn't know the rules." One of the man shouted. Then they dispersed into different directions.

Haknyeon sighed in relief as they slouched back onto the straw roof. Youngjae and Haknyeon glanced at each other, then burst into giggles. Hwall glared at the two but joined in laughing as well. 

"That was fun!" Haknyeon exclaimed. They leant back on the roof with their arms under their heads, staring up at the night sky.

"Yes, it was." Hwall agreed. Silence ensured which was broken by Youngjae.

"We should do it again!"

"No." Both Haknyeon and Hwall glared at Youngjae who winced. 

"No. I'm never ever going out with Hyunjae again!" Hyungseo huffed. Juyeon laughed and patted his shoulders. 

"How do you keep up with him?" Hyungseo asked, panting. Juyeon only shrugged.

"He's my brother. I got half of his blood." He replied. 

"You get used to it after a while." Sunwoo added, making sure the rope on Hyunjae was fastened up. Hyunjae was drunk. Dead drunk. And now might be half passed out.

"I just wish Hyungseo could've painted it!" Changmin said, still laughing. Younghoon and Chanhee nodded in agreement.

"Paint what?" Sunwoo asked.

"Hyunjae trying to kiss you." Chanhee replied and laughed again. Sunwoo scowled at the five who were not holding back their laughs at all.

"Ha Ha Ha. How funny." Sunwoo said in a not-so-amused tone. He pulled onto the rope harder earning a grunt from Hyunjae. 

"I'm not carrying him back." Sunwoo muttered.

"Why? You afraid he'll try to kiss you again?" Chanhee teased, then giggled again. Sunwoo glared at him then softened when he saw the genuine happy look on Chanhee. 

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