Later That Night...

"I feel like a child. Who even has movie nights anymore? Especially a Jujutsu Sorcerer" Nanami fixes his glasses and sighs as his arms cross.

"Uh.. like everyone?!" Satoru raises his arms with excitement as the movie begins.

"I don't think this it's childish.. It's nice to do something normal once in a while. Don't you think (Y/n)?" Yuji looks over to me, but soon has his eyes widened to the fact he called me by my first name in front of our - what I like to call - parents.

I see Satoru side eye my boyfriend while Nanami couldn't give two shits, and actually watching the movie.

"Mhm" I smile over to him and pat his thigh before getting comfortable. "It's fine to be a child every now and then. It's not like I got to be" I smile, keeping my eyes on the screen but feeling the pitiful aura that radiates from all three men, but most strongly from Nanami who is farthest from me.

"My apologies, (Y/n). I completely forgot about what you had g-"

"Don't apologize. Don't pity me either. I simply stated a fact. If it had effected you three so much I wouldn't have said those few words" I sigh, seeing them all nod and turning back to the screen.

As we all watch the movie, oddly having all our attention on the screen to the point even Nanami misses his straw.

Even with everyone having all their attention focused to the horror movie, I still keep my attention all around. I hear the slight shifts that the guys make ever so often, or the quiet chewing from Satoru, or the flinches Yuji makes when there's a small scare.

I feel Yuji slide his hand over mine, interlocking my fingers with his and gently holding. I look over to him, but he doesn't look. I see sweat fall from his head, possibly due to the risk he's taking when sitting beside Satoru.

He doesn't know my connection with my cousin, but he does know how extremely protective the man has been. He gives Yuji glares ever since he got back and whispers things to himself that look scary. It's weird because after noticing the both of us seeing him like that, he gets in his fluffy mood again and acts like nothing had happened.

Yuji simply smiles, holding my hand tighter but soon jumping into my arms when a nun runs towards the screen. All three guys scream and I sit confused and blank.

"Ahh" I blurt out, speaking in complete monotone.

The three laugh, including Nanami which shocked me. It makes me jump into Yuji's arms and scream. "What scared you?!" Yuji looks down at me.

"N- n- n- n- NANAMI LAUGHED" I point to the blonde who is now completely stern as usual. He fixes his glasses and gently moves away my shaking finger that's pointed at him.

"When?" Nanami furrows his eyebrows.

"Wait he laughed?! I missed it!" Satoru falls on the floor and begins to fake cry.

"I didn't, you missed nothing, Satoru" Nanami pulls his friend up by the back of his shirt and back onto the couch.

"I give up" I slide off Yuji's lap before Satoru notices the fact I was there in the first place.

The Next Morning...

"Psst! Get up before Yuji does!" Satoru whisper shouts as he gently shakes me out of my slumber. I groan, not wanting to wake up from my peaceful sleep, I could tell it was early.

I feel weightless, as if I was being lifted. "Satoru" I sniffle and rub my eyes, speaking with a slight whine.

"Hm?" I see him glance down at me, then returning his eyes to the source of a bright light.

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