"But you've visited me before", Mioha pointed out. "You've talked to me in dreams."

Siya tilted her head slightly.
"Yes, but it takes me time to reach you that way. And we do not have that time."


The Silverwing looked at her warningly.
"Listen carefully. You have forgotten many things of your past, but there is one which you must remember. Firenze has failed, so I will have to show you."
Siya leaned forward and lowered her head until her spiraled horn was hovering above Mioha's forehead.

Mioha swallowed nervously.
What was this about?

The next moment, she felt the cool tip of Siya's horn touch her skin.
Her stomach started to churn and Mioha felt herself falling through a whirl of colors. Voices whispered in her ears, too many speaking at once to discern what they were saying.

Abruptly, Mioha felt herself land on something hard. The voices stopped.

"Ugh", she groaned and opened her eyes.

They were met with a grey, cloudy sky. The sun shone weakly onto her face, barely driving the sudden chill away which had started to seep into Mioha's bones.

"Look", whinnied Siya urgently and stepped next to Mioha.

The Slytherin pushed herself onto her feet and followed her sister's gaze.

They were standing on a wide grassy plain, the grass having a dead brown color. In the distance, a silver-white horse was galloping past them at enormous speed, carrying a person on its back. Her heart suddenly started to beat faster.
Somehow, she felt like she had met that horse before...

Mioha squinted her eyes in an attempt to see more clearly.
"Wait", she said slowly, "that's my headmaster on the horse..."

Her voice trailed off as she watched Gandalf gallop past her, his beard fluttering behind him until he vanished into the distance.

"Siya, why-"

"Gandalf's horse was named Shadowfax", Siya explained seriously. "Also named as 'Lord of the Horses' and a descendant of Felaróf."

Mioha still did not understand.
"What's this got to do with me?", she asked puzzled.

Siya's mane flowed softly in the cold breeze.
"After the Battle of the Five Armies, Lux the Light Titan got reborn into Shadowfax", she neighed and looked Mioha urgently into her eyes. "Come. There's more to see."
And she leaned forward to touch Mioha's forehead with her glowing horn.

Again, Mioha felt herself falling.
She landed on her feet this time and swayed strongly to regain her balance.
Siya trotted up beside her and jerked her head at something that was behind Mioha.
The girl turned puzzled.

Behind her was a clearing. An empty clearing. Tall trees blocked out the sunlight, letting the ground remain covered in shadows.

Mioha couldn't see anything at first and she wondered what she was supposed to be looking at.
The silence was eery and she turned to her sister with a questioning look.
"Siya, what-"

The Silverwing shook her head mutely.

Mioha sighed and refocused on the clearing.
She had no idea what she was supposed to-
A blue light flitted through the air.

Mioha suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà-vu as she watched a tiny blue-colored firefly whizz across the clearing.

"What's that?", she whispered, her eyes following the tiny blue light, which buzzed around quietly while illuminating the dimly lit clearing with its glow.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now