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For 5 years later, I finally forgot you with all my heart. But in the 5 years now, I saw you again with my bare eyes.

And we both achieved our dream as I see, were both at the same company, were both at the same floor.

And the hard is, you're my next Door again....

How can I live this again? For what you did to me in the last 5years, yes I forgive you but my heart is so hurts when I see you. you made and left me a lot of memories that not easily to forget.

But in the beginning, I thought you won't recognize me, but I was wrong. I thought I'm good enough to change my self. As in my whole self.

But my heart aches when I saw you after 5 years. I hated you that day you didn't told me everything. Also you lied...

And today, how? Like how? Why we met again? In the same place and you're my freaking next door again?!

But I admitted that you changed alot too..

But I can't believe what I just saw, like impossible were at the same company and I know that you're in the states. How the hell you went here? Like how I wanna know how?

In the last 5 years, I suffered to forget you and mind my own business to achieve my dream. And today? I just saw you and i don't know how to live again.

We're both an artist. Of the same company..

My next door~

He's my next door 𝗣𝗧 𝟮 [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя