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After a very sleepless night, Effie contemplated weather or not to show face at breakfast this morning, for one she'd have to see Malfoy, and two she'd be met with the absolute guilt of what she had done to Harry.

Deciding she couldn't hide forever, she threw on a baggy jumper and a pair of shorts on and headed down to the great hall for breakfast, it was a Saturday, quidditch day, so the hall was packed, Effie vouched to keep her head down.

Not being noticed wasn't so easy, because for some reason as soon as she walked into the hall everyone's head looked up at her, first years, second years— everyone.

She heard a lot of whispers as she made her way down to her seat next to Pansy, who was particularly quiet this morning, she didn't even look at Effie when she sat down, which told Effie that something really wasn't right.

"What's going on? It's as if everyone's just seen a ghost." She asked Pansy skeptically.

"I don't know Effie, if that's even your real fucking name. Should I call you Katz?" Pansy sneered across the table.

Effie had to double take to make sure she heard Pansy properly, her eyes widened. How could she possibly know? How could everyone possibly know? And then it dawned on her— Malfoy.

"H—how did you—"

"How did I find out your little secret?" She mocked, unfolding the daily prophet that was sitting in front of her. "Read it and weep Eff, your the fucking front page— how could you not tell me, I'm your fucking best friend. I can't believe you."

"Look Pansy I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I'm pretty sure you can understand why." She didn't quite have the time right now to be trying to win Pansy over, she desperately needed to see Snape.

Pansy still looked hurt, still staring down at her plate picking at her food and still not saying a word.

"Look I promise, I will make it up to you. But can we please talk later? I need to go Pans— this really isn't good." She didn't even give Pansy the chance to answer, she grabbed the daily prophet and dashed out of the great hall, hearing people call her a killer and a murderer on the way out.

She'd never ran so fast in all her life, she'd got from the hall to Snape's office in about two seconds, she didn't even have to knock, she got as far as lifting up her arm, just before her knuckles hit the wood, she heard a voice come from behind the door.

"Come in Elizabeth." He sounded just as angry as she was.

She opened the door and seen Snape standing not an inch away from her, his face was panicked as if he didn't know what to do. To Effie's surprise he wasn't alone, sitting on the couch was of course, none other than Malfoy, looking rather scared.

"YOU." She screamed before attempting to make a run for him, Snape grabbed her back and held her away. "How could you. I fucking trusted you— you are nothing but a liar. I hate y—"

"SILENCE ELIZABETH." Snape bellowed at the girl. "Mr Malfoy has been here all morning, he voluntarily drank a vial of  Vertiserum, it was not him who went to the papers."

It still didn't seem enough for Effie to believe, it must have been Malfoy, he was the only one who knew. He'd probably went and got his father to tell the papers after he'd seen her kissing Harry, can't stand being played at his own game.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora