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It had been seven months since the day her father died, and Effie felt no different about the matter. It was either him or her, he would have went too far one day— hit her too hard and then it would have been her laying dead, and would he have cared?

Effie was now living in a children's home, who were desperately trying to find her a foster family so she could start school, for the past seven months the staff at the home had been homeschooling her.

The other children weren't particularly nice to Effie, they called her a freak and pulled horrible stunts on her, putting bugs in her food and dead birds in her bed, she hated it here, but she felt as though she would never get out.

She had grown not to like a lot of things. People, food, outdoors, normal things that a young girl should appreciate.

It was just a continuous downwards spiral for Effie, she was never going to be fostered or adopted, who's going to want the little girl who killed her father without even touching him, a freak, a little weirdo, who would want that? She constantly thought to herself.

Today was her thirteenth birthday, and she was spending it alone, in her dingy little room, reading a book that she'd already read about fifty times before.

There was a quiet knock on her door, which was something she wasn't used to. No one ever bothered her.

"Come in?" She invited hesitantly.

A broad, ginger lady by the name of Bertha popped her head through the door.

"Visitor for you." She said sternly as if she didn't have the slightest interest in the girl.

"Fo— for me?" Effie retorted quickly in disbelief.

"That's what I said isn't it." The large lady raised her voice in an annoyed tone.

She opened the door further to grant access to a tall slender man, with a beard almost down to his knees, he was wearing a red robe and awful pointed shoes, almost as if he got dressed with his eyes closed, he looked old, like very old.

The man walked into the room, observing every inch of it, shaking his head in disapproval.

Effie couldn't help but wonder who the hell this strange man was standing in her room.

"Good afternoon, Elizabeth. My names Albus Dumbledore." The man was confident, but she still had no idea what he was doing here.

"It's just Effie, h—have I done something wrong?" She asked sheepishly.

The bearded man let out a light chuckle, and for some reason Effie let out a sigh of relief. What could she have possibly done wrong? She had been here for the last seven months.

"Of course not young lady, what would make you say that?"

"I don't get visitors, like ever." She replied feeling embarrassed by her confession.

"So you think that having one is a bad thing then?" The man seemed to feel sympathy for her.

"Good things don't usually happen to me." She ranted subconsciously.

"Well maybe that will change today Miss Katz. It just so happens that I know things about you, things that you don't even know about yourself." The man said with confidence.

"Like what?" Effie asked, her tone enticed.

"More than you could ever imagine Miss Katz. I know what you've been through... A great ordeal for a young lady at your age. I also know that you've yet to find somewhere to live permanently." The man explained. "Which brings me to my reason for being here. Let me ask you Elizabeth. Have you ever made things happen? Things you can't explain, like with your mind?" He asked, leaning in as if they were to whisper now.

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