Thirty Six

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Arriving outside the manor was a sort of surreal feeling, Effie hadn't been here in over a month, hadn't seen the Dark Lord, hadn't spoken to her mother, the butterflies in her stomach started to flutter at the thought of having to sit in the same room with the woman again.

She held onto Draco's hand tightly as they entered the house, greeted with pure silence. Thankfully it was only Draco's mother home, and surprisingly she welcomed the pair of them with such open arms.

The woman couldn't have looked happier to see her son, it was a warming sight, she seemed completely different without her husband there, whenever he was around she just sat with a blank look on her face, as if she wasn't allowed to speak without his permission.

She greeted Effie, embracing her in a warm hug that lasted for about thirty seconds, the lady seemed as pleased to see Effie as she was Draco, which made Effie's heart burst with joy.

"Now as the pair of you know there will be a meeting tonight— I assume your prepared to give us some good news Elizabeth, since the pair of you are back." Draco's mother turned and said to her.

"Of course Mrs Malfoy, and you can just call me Effie btw. I hate Elizabeth." She rolled her eyes and let out a slight chuckle.

"Well Effie, you can call me Narcissa— we may as well be on a first name basis. Draco's very fond of you." She winked.

"She's my girlfriend mother. Of course I'm fond of her." Draco butted in with a sigh, rolling his eyes on the process.

"Well you see you don't tell me these things Draco. I'm not a mind read—"

"That's because your never there." He interrupted sternly, staring his mother down.

Effie just stood there in awkward silence, it was clear to her that Draco also had underlying problems with his parents, she could see it. His mother was trying to be nice but he couldn't take it, she had failed him that much in his life that now nothing she done could make up for it, and that was exactly how Effie felt about her mother— but at least his was there through his life.

"Come on Effie let's go upstairs and unpack." He took a hold of Effie's hand and practically dragged her away.

"I'll make the two of you some lunch." She heard Narcissa shout from behind them, in a desperate tone.

"Thank you Mrs Malfoy." She turned back and shot her a smile, internally apologising for Draco's behaviour.

As much as she understood Draco's attitude towards his mother, it still wasn't nice to watch. She was already a hollow shell of a woman, you could see just by the look in her eyes that all she wanted to do was love her son.

"I honestly wish she would stop doing that." Draco spat as he sat down on his four poster bed, kicking off his shoes furiously.

"Doing what? She was just being nice." Effie laughed, earning a sour look from Draco.

"You don't know her— she's never like that when people aren't around. She's evil, don't let her fool you Effie. You'll soon see why she and your mother are best friends. They're one in the same." He explained, laying back on the bed tucking his hands behind his head.

"Your right. I don't know her— but I know you. And your not a nasty person." She lay down next to him and ran her fingers through his hair. "So I'll make you a deal?"

"The deal being?" He turned around to face her properly with an eyebrow raised.

"If you make an effort with your mother—" she paused, sucking in a deep breath. "I'll make an effort with mine."

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now