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It was now the beginning of fifth year, Effie's third year at Hogwarts, and she was doing very well for herself.

She passed all her third and fourth year exams with flying colours, she only wished that her mum could be here to see how well she was doing.

As Effie started to get older the horrible memories of her father would haunt her at night in her dreams. Every night. It had started to take its tole on the girl.

She was still living with Snape and they were closer than ever, but she didn't know how to approach him with her problems, after all he wasn't her dad and he didn't have any children of his own, so she decided if she kept it to herself it would just pass eventually.

The first day back was always the most boring, there were no classes, which was a good thing but there was the sorting ceremony which went on for about an hour and a half, by the time it was over everyone was starving.

Still to this day Effie and Malfoy weren't friends, they had the same friend group, sat with each other every single day, breakfast, lunch and dinner but didn't speak at all. The pair just shot glares across the table to one another, and a sneaky comment now and then.

The most the two of them have ever spoken was back in third year when they were working on their project.

The bad dreams and memories made her start to distance herself from her friends, she spent most of her days in the library or in the astronomy tower when she wasn't in classes.

Tonight in the astronomy tower it was silent, the sky was beautiful, the summer air smelled of freshly cut grass, Effie soaked in the beautiful picture, she enjoyed time alone, no one really understood her here, maybe it was to do with the fact that she'd been lying to her friends since the day she met them.

"Sulking Burke?" A familiar voice muttered from the other end of the tower.

Of course it was Malfoy, who else would it be. It was as if he followed her around.

"What reason would I have for sulking Malfoy?" She replied sharply, it was only the first day back and not the time for Malfoy.

He hadn't changed over the years. Just got cheekier and a lot more arrogant.

There was one thing that really irritated Effie though, Malfoy had gotten handsome, he was still the same platinum haired boy that she always disliked, but his jaw seemed more chiseled, his eyes were a dazzling shade of icy grey and he had started to broaden out at the shoulders.

So now, not only was he a twat, he was a good looking one, which made it a tad harder to hate him but none the less she still succeeded.

"I don't know, maybe you missed me through summer." He chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "Or maybe it was just that boring at Snape's big lonely house."

Effie's eyes shot towards Malfoy and his stupid smirk.

"What did you just say?" Her eyebrows furrowed and her lids narrowed, she was trying to answer as if she didn't know what he was talking about.

"You know exactly what I said Burke, or should I say Katz. I knew that I recognised your face somewhere. You were all over the prophet years ago." The boy muttered as if he were proud of himself for cracking the case.

"I don't know what you've been smoking Malfoy, but I'm sorry to break it to you your wrong." She lied again.

"Give it up already. I'm not stupid. You killed your fucking dad, you can deny it all you want, but just remember that I know." His words rippled through her like a gun shot.

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