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Effie went to all lengths to avoid Malfoy after that, she'd become utterly petrified of him, the thought of him wanting to harm her broke her tiny little heart. The one person who was always on her side had now turned over to the dark side.

The second she saw the mark on his arm she freaked out, grabbed her clothes and ran off, not leaving him a moment to say a word.

She'd stopped attending any classes that they were in together, she wouldn't go down to lunch or dinner until she knew he wouldn't be there and she avoided the Slytherin common room at all costs.

How could it be that just as everything was going so well, everything had to just turn completely upside down, inside out and back to front?

It was an absolute mess, and all Effie was doing now was fearing for her life and now, she had no one to protect her, the one person she trusted more than anyone was one of the ones out to get her.

She knew deep down Malfoy would never hurt her, not voluntarily at least, but being under the orders of the most dark and powerful wizard of our time changes a lot of things.

It was probably his life or hers, she didn't let him explain at all after he blurted out the unforgivable truth, and ever since, every time he has tried to approach her or was even anywhere near, her brain just said "run".

Effie had managed to successfully avoid him for three weeks now, dodging him every time she caught sight of that beautiful blonde head of hair, that was until today.

She still liked to have a little smoke to relieve all her stresses, so tonight after dinner when everyone was in bed, she snuck upto the astronomy tower to get some sense of peace.

It was always so extremely beautiful up here, no matter what the weather, wind, rain, sun or snow, the view from here just always looked sensational, it was the sort of thing that just made all your troubles disappear. It was definitely Effie's happy place.

For the first time in a while, she was feeling calm. Sitting on the stairs of the astronomy tower watching the clouds roll by, she zoned out of everything else that was going on.

She zoned out so much that she didn't even hear the footsteps behind her, she didn't notice there was anyone there until she felt a cold hand press on her shoulder, she almost jumped out of her skin, the petrified mess that she was.

"Sorry." Of course it was Malfoy, standing there with a smirk on his face as if he wasn't aware that this girl had been avoiding him for the past three weeks.

Effie didn't reply, she just groaned and went back to looking list fully at the view.

"Why you so jumpy anyway?" He asked, letting out a slight chuckle.

She turned to look at him, an uninviting look smeared across her face.

"If you haven't noticed Malfoy. There are people out to kill me." She muttered in a malicious tone, making it clear that she was talking about him.

"Look can you just let me explain—"

"Why the fuck shoul—"

"Effie please let me fucking talk." He raised his voice, causing the astronomy tower to fall into pure silence.

Effie just looked at him with a blank expression, waiting for him to continue.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now