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The antics of the empty classroom reoccurred a few times over the next few weeks, a sneaky kiss here, a cheeky fondle there— a hard, breathtaking rendezvous anytime they could.

Whenever no one was looking they couldn't keep their hands off each other, but one thing was the same every time— afterwards, it always felt awkward, as if the pair both knew that they really shouldn't be doing this, their would always be some sort of argument and then they wouldn't speak for days, until the next time they so badly needed to be all over one another.

There was just something about Malfoy, the fact that he was the only person in school who knew who she actually was, the fact that it made him want her more, she just couldn't resist him even though she knew deep down that she meant nothing to him. She was just a challenge— a stupid little girl who he just wanted to add to his list, and she let him take the only innocence she had left, and left her desperately wanting more everyday.

Effie wanted him to notice her, she wanted him to see her more than just a meaningless fuck, but at the same time she didn't want to let him in, she'd witnessed the way they both were with each other, they were toxic, they hated each other but loved the pleasure of making the other squirm.

Which brings us to this eventful evening, with Malfoy spiralling her brain more than usual, her stomach started to knot thinking back at all the times she'd obeyed his commands, how good it made her feel but how silly it made her feel at the same time, it was time to play Malfoy at his own game.

She headed down to dinner after getting changed back at her dorm into a baggy T-shirt and a skimpy little plaid tennis skirt, but one thing was missing. Underwear, and she was going to make sure he knew.

As she sat down at the table next to her two best friends, with Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy on the opposite side, Malfoy directly across from Effie shooting her glares every five seconds, it was time to put the plan into action. While they were all deep in conversation, Effie slowly drew her foot up Malfoy's leg grazing his calf with her boot, his head shot up to meet her eyes trying not to draw any attention, but then she dropped her wand under the table.

"You wouldn't mind getting that for me Malfoy?" She asked him across the table with a subtle cheeky wink.

"I fucking suppose so, when did you get so lazy Burke?"He smirked sarcastically, he knew fine well she was not lazy.

He leaned down to go under and get it, she slowly spread her legs, unveiling her pant-less heat. She knew he'd noticed because two seconds later she heard his head smack off the table, obviously taken back at what he'd just saw, she giggled under her breath.

He pulled himself back up from under the table and handed her her wand, his face looked particularly flushed, his usual pale cheeks were dancing with red heat, she could tell her plan was working, no more only going on Malfoy's time, she was going to tease him and leave him wanting more just like he does to her, subtly grazing past her in the halls, resting his hand on her thigh whenever they had to sit next to each other. He knew exactly what he was doing, and it was time to get a taste of his own medicine, at least that's what Effie thought.

She got up and left the hall, telling her friends she was going to the bathroom, but she knew it was only a matter of moments before Malfoy would find some sort of excuse to leave the table and follow her, he knew exactly where she'd be going, astronomy tower, where they've had their fair share of romps late at night.

She sat there waiting for him, it had been about five minutes already, she started to think he wasn't coming, before she heard footsteps emerging from the stairs before her.

"You think your funny do you?" His voice sneered, full of rage. Malfoy hated being teased and she knew that.

"What's funny was your face, if only I had a camera." She joked, thinking that he was just feeling frustrated sexually.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now