Thirty Three

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As the next three weeks passed by, Effie did everything in her power to get as close to Harry as she possibly could, not letting anything get in her way.

To her surprise, the plan had seemed to work so far.

Harry had invited her out a good few times, which she happily accepted, they spent a lot of time at hogsmead, in the library, outside in the courtyard studying together. Harry's words ringing in the back of Effie's mind made it very easy for her to forge a friendship with the boy.

Hermione wasn't too happy about their budding 'friendship' but it worked in Effie's favour as Harry was starting to rethink his friendship with the bushy haired girl due to her attitude towards Effie.

Despite Draco still hating the fact that his girlfriend had to spend most of her time with his arch enemy. Effie's new found attitude towards Harry made it a bit easier for him to deal with, she was turning wicked right in front of his eyes, and as much as it pained him to admit it, he liked this side of her, the side that didn't take shit from no one.

The side that hated Harry Potter just as much as he did.

They had both came to terms with the fact that they were death eaters, and unless someone could kill Voldemort, there was no changing it, so the pair vouched to embrace it and get on with their lives the way they were.

Today was miserable, the rain streamed down every window in Hogwarts and the thunder rumbled in the sky, Effie was spending her free period in the library alone, studying veritiserum in order to know every in and out of the potion.

She had been spending a lot of time with Snape, working out exactly how they were going to pull this off with Harry, and so far their plan seemed pretty foolproof.

The last stage of the project is to brew a perfect batch of the potion given, which Effie and Harry had already started, given that veritiserum takes almost three weeks to brew.

Of course there was a chance that it wouldn't be perfect, or even consumable, but Snape had one vial of the strongest form of the truth serum for Harry, in order for him not to recall exactly which questions he had answered and a vial of the weakest form for Effie to consume, the weakest meaning it probably wouldn't even take an affect on her, but Effie was a brilliant actress and could easily make Harry believe that she was under the influence of a potion.

The pair had already written out the questions they intended to ask each other, they were just silly questions, questions about life that only they would know, but when it came down to it, Effie had a separate set of questions that she intended to ask.

As she sat in the library, head lost in a book, she felt the presence of someone hovering over her, someone she didn't want to be there, she slowly lifted her head from the book to meet the eyes of Hermione Grainger, staring back at her with dislike.

The two girls sat for a moment in complete silence, not once losing eye contact.

"Is there something you wanted Grainger? I'm sort of in the middle of something." Effie laughed.

"I know your up to something— I don't know what, but I'll find out. I won't let you hurt Harry or Ron." Hermione spat, to which Effie laughed louder.

"Aw poor little Hermione." She scoffed. "Is it that hard for you to comprehend that they actually like me and want to be my friend, that you have to go making up silly little accusations about me."

"It's not an accusation. I know your up to something. I can see it in your eyes Burke." Hermione's eyes were wide with fire.

"What are you a mind reader now Grainger?" Effie chuckled, she enjoyed making it clear to Hermione that the girl didn't phase her at all.

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