Thirty Five

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The weekend was only around the corner and it would be time to head back to Malfoy Manor for a meeting with Lord Voldemort, Effie was eager to share the news with him— more for her benefit than his.

As much as it pained her to admit it, she actually felt rather proud of herself, it was common knowledge that the Dark Lord and all his followers fully expected Effie to fail this task and have to face the embarrassment of coming to this meeting with no information. She couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when she actually revealed everything that he wanted to know.

Effie was relaxing in the library after classes, it had been a few days since the final part of the project and Effie hadn't seen or spoken to Harry since, which was quite ideal for her, the less she seen of him the better.

Whilst sitting quite peacefully, head drowned in a very interesting book about magical creatures, she felt a set of eyes burning through her from across the table, she slowly lowered the book revealing Harry, sitting there with a blank look across his face.

"Have you been avoiding me or something?" He chuckled nervously.

"Why would you say that?" Effie replied, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well— you haven't spoken to me since the day of the project. Did I do something wrong?" He urged, his voice sounding more and more concerned.

It was taking Effie all her might not to start screaming at the boy to leave her alone, and that she wanted nothing to do with him.

She wanted to whip her arm out and shove the disgusting dark mark right in his face, but what good would that do? Knowing Harry and his opinion on her kind, he would probably whip his wand out and kill her on the spot, he would never let her explain.

"Look Harry— it's nothing personal. I just don't like you the way you like me. I'm sorry." She shrugged, dropping her head back into her book trying to end the conversation there.

"But— you said you would give us a chance—"

"I lied Harry." She snapped, causing the whole library to fall to absolute silence and everyone's eyes were on her. "Look— I needed us to work well together on the project, I couldn't risk failing it. I needed to come across as your friend. You know yourself Harry, Gryffindors and Slytherins don't get along, it would have never worked." She raised her eyebrows.

Deep down she felt horrible, she knew she had messed with the boys feelings, but it was nothing more than he deserved.

She just couldn't let it go— the way he spoke about Draco and the way he spoke about her, even if he didn't know it applied to her. She had to keep reminding herself of what Harry was actually capable of, and what he would do to her if he knew what she was.

"I— I thought you were different?" He stuttered, his face looking betrayed.

"You thought wrong. I'm sorry okay— but I only needed you to get through the project." She replied sternly, hoping her unwelcoming tone would just make him leave, but instead he sat at the opposite side of the table in pure silence.

The sight of the boy was starting to infuriate Effie, she slammed her book shut, grabbed her bag and stoop up ready to leave the library.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked timidly from behind her.

"If you won't leave me alone Potter, then I'll just have to leave won't I." She replied as she quickly stomped out the library.

TOXIC LITTLE BITCH. (DM)Where stories live. Discover now